Why You Need to Ignore Your Emotions
Well maybe ignore isn’t the right word, perhaps question is better. Why ? Because emotions are habits – even worse emotion and the reactions they generate are unconscious habits that [...]
Well maybe ignore isn’t the right word, perhaps question is better. Why ? Because emotions are habits – even worse emotion and the reactions they generate are unconscious habits that [...]
I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying. Nelson Mandela Driving to work, the winter super moon hanging in a [...]
I loved reading this! It is from one of my favourite authors, Jed McKenna, who has a way of looking at the world that will turn your worldview on its [...]
Living with Dare is about choosing for yourself. To choose you need to compromise. To compromise you need to know what is important and what is not. To know what [...]
Yes, there are only a couple of ways when you come down to it. When you practice them, you are practicing Courage. The fear never goes away though! That is [...]
This idea that emotions have a power of their own is one that fascinates me. I meet very few people who are able to focus on what they want regardless [...]
I was struck by a comment I was at the receiving end of. It went like this, “I don’t see the point of what you write about anymore, all I [...]
In a decade of trying to understand how come I have a world record and other divers who I think have the inherent ability don’t I have realised that wanting [...]
I have been trying to get a handle on what is bothering me at the moment and I think it might be that no-one seems prepared to accept consequences. Yet [...]
What if learning wasn't about getting the right grade ? What if learning/ education was a Tool ? Yes, I am reading again, a rather fascinating book called Punished by [...]