Creating the Right Relationships
How different the world would be, if we gave other people permission to live their lives without requiring them to be bound irrevocably to us. When did we get taught [...]
How different the world would be, if we gave other people permission to live their lives without requiring them to be bound irrevocably to us. When did we get taught [...]
One of my favourite passages from Spiritual Enlightenment – The Damndest Thing’ by Jed Mckenna...just is so irreverent...and very funny.“Have you heard of the term makyo?” I ask her.“Yes, isn’t [...]
In an effort to bring more joy into my day to day I spent last week focusing on (amongst other things) creating a sense of inner calm and peace. I [...]
One of the things that fascinates me about me is how desperate I am to escape, well me. It seems as if I am trapped in a personality that creates [...]
Well after almost two years of silence I am back. The years have not been wasted - I have been working on finding a way to create lasting change. My [...]
I woke up this morning and it seemed to be that letting go of control did not mean giving up responsibility. I woke up and thought, what would it be [...]
It occurred to me that not many of us truly accept who we are now never mind who we have been. Yet when I think about the possibility of not [...]
Back in the day (way back, when the world was still dark and scary) I read an interesting statement. That people if given two equally valid intepretations of the facts [...]
I have spent a lifetime not being special. Which sounds odd considering I hold the womans record for depth. So why do I feel that I am not ‘special’ ? [...]
I was reading an advert for a conference promoting woman as leaders. Other than being expensive and filled with woman at the top of their game (OK, woman with impressive [...]