Building Mastery with Coaching2024-01-11T10:46:49+13:00


Coaching is a key ingredient to evolving your skill and so expanding your comfort zone.
The goal of coaching is to create a space where you can engage with your blindspots. It is your blindspots that prevent you from seeing different options and choices. These are locked into your way of thinking, something that has evolved over time.

With a coach you can start to extend and shift your mental model and get past your blind spots and build new habits that support the outcomes and experiences you wish to have.

For more on coaching, read this article

What does coaching look like ?

  • A series of structured conversations, either online or in person

To create new habits, it is recommended that a series of coaching conversations occurs (3 – 5) and that these be in intervals of 3 – 6 weeks


  • Identify the experience you want to be having and the blindspots that may be preventing you from achieving these

For leaders

  • Craft who want to be as a leader,
  • Identify habits that support your outcome
  • Choose actions that build those habits

Articles on Coaching

Keeping Goals Alive

written 0ct 28 2008 “Disinvest from the Outcome!” I remember reading this some years back and it has stuck! As a coach I have the privilege of being part of my client’s journeys toward their goals. I get to help them define the outcome they want to achieve. But just [...]

We are all in coaching agreements, we just don’t know it

Written 23 Oct 2008 What if, you are already in a coaching agreement…just not with a trained coach ? As a coach I have to also ‘be’ coached. This ensures that I experience coaching from both sides (not to mention it keeps me on track on my own journey). It [...]

What is Coaching ?

This is not as easy to answer as you may think. Coaching is something that has been around now for a good couple of years, but is only really starting to get traction in the corporate world. A definition is not so easy to find. The Wikipedia definition is ‘a [...]

Where do you want to Start ?

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