Building Mastery with Coaching2024-01-11T10:46:49+13:00


Coaching is a key ingredient to evolving your skill and so expanding your comfort zone.
The goal of coaching is to create a space where you can engage with your blindspots. It is your blindspots that prevent you from seeing different options and choices. These are locked into your way of thinking, something that has evolved over time.

With a coach you can start to extend and shift your mental model and get past your blind spots and build new habits that support the outcomes and experiences you wish to have.

For more on coaching, read this article

What does coaching look like ?

  • A series of structured conversations, either online or in person

To create new habits, it is recommended that a series of coaching conversations occurs (3 – 5) and that these be in intervals of 3 – 6 weeks


  • Identify the experience you want to be having and the blindspots that may be preventing you from achieving these

For leaders

  • Craft who want to be as a leader,
  • Identify habits that support your outcome
  • Choose actions that build those habits

Articles on Coaching

3 Reasons Why I Get Coached!

I was chatting about coaching and the benefits there-of and casually mentioned that I get coached, which came as a surprise to the people I was talking to. Perhaps it is because I already have achieved something grand and audacious (my world record) so there is a perception that I [...]

Deserving Abundance – Expecting It! Receiving It, Coaching for It!

All the coaching in the world is not going to get you your dreams if you fundamentally disbelieve that you are worthy. This believe that we are not special enough to deserve abundance is ingrained in our lives, so subconscious we barely see it even if we do experience its [...]

The Difference Between Helping & Coaching

It always astonishes me what lessons there are to be learnt in coaching, this weeks is how entrenched the concept of being helped is in our society. Here is the thing, in coaching you are not given answers. You are not helped. If there is one fundamental philosophy in coaching [...]

Where do you want to Start ?

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