
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Connecting to Inner Power

Written Oct 8th 2008My power comes when I let go of 'shoulds' and let the world be what it isMy power comes when I let go of 'being' right and rather make rightMy power comes when i know who I have committed to be, and so have a solid 'me' to stand onMy power comes when i trust my word implicitly and no longer have to rely on conscious willpower and effort to succeedMy power comes when i relax into my soul and 'become' authenticMy power comesWritten during CCI's Master 3 course

Getting Comfortable with Discomfort

Written October 01 2008 ‘With enlightenment comes release from suffering!' Now I am not sure I have the quote right, but somehow from my readings I managed to get the idea that to become enlightened means an end to suffering… as in no more suffering (which is logically an end is it not ?). Here I am, 8 years down my road to enlightenment (and who knows how many lifetimes away from finding it) and suffering is still very, very much present. OK, it is not there all the time like it used to be, but I was not looking [...]

The Power of Clarity and New Realities

written Sept 15 2008 There are many aspects to coaching and my journey to becoming a credited coach is turning out to be both exciting and exhilarating. I am experiencing life from both sides of the fence (as a coach as well as a coachwe (being coached ) which means I truly understand the process.A bit of background perhaps ? Coaching is the culmination of a journey that started back in 2000, when (after leaving a 6 year relationship that really did not work then entering an intense relationship that ended suddenly with the infamous words, I love you but [...]

Activate Myself

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery


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