
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

We are all in coaching agreements, we just don’t know it

Written 23 Oct 2008 What if, you are already in a coaching agreement…just not with a trained coach ? As a coach I have to also ‘be’ coached. This ensures that I experience coaching from both sides (not to mention it keeps me on track on my own journey). It suddenly clicked for me why I experience coaching as being so familiar… I have always been in coaching relationships… I just did not know it! Think about it…… you receive an annoying mail from a work colleague who obviously thinks he knows more than you do and is now requesting [...]

Fearless or Courageous – Life Lessons from Diving

One of the most prevalent themes I come across as a coach is that of fear! Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being visible, fear of being invisible. Fear is a common thread in all our lives. Sometimes it is so strong it paralysis one. Sometimes it is hardly notice’able but it is always there! Lurking! Waiting for an opportunity to pounce! I find my client’s (and myself) in an almost perpetual battle with fear! A battle that takes all our energy and effectively stops us from getting to where we want to be. The [...]

What is Coaching ?

This is not as easy to answer as you may think. Coaching is something that has been around now for a good couple of years, but is only really starting to get traction in the corporate world. A definition is not so easy to find. The Wikipedia definition is ‘a structured process-driven relationship between a trained professional coach and an individual or team which includes: assessment, examining values and motivation, setting measurable goals, defining focused action plans and using validated behavioral change tools and techniques to assist them to develop competencies and remove blocks to achieve valuable and sustainable changes [...]

Activate Myself

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery

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