
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Living Your Life as a Legacy

I don't know about you, but until recently the entire goal of my life has been to just get through today! The years spin by and at the end of each one i am amazed that so little has happened, yet i was so busy! Part of my coaching journey has been to define my own legacy, vision and mission! To create something I want to wake up for in the morning! Something that creates an overall direction in my life (other than find that perfect job and by the perfect house in the right neighborhood). Now after I got [...]

Keeping Goals Alive

written 0ct 28 2008 “Disinvest from the Outcome!” I remember reading this some years back and it has stuck! As a coach I have the privilege of being part of my client’s journeys toward their goals. I get to help them define the outcome they want to achieve. But just knowing what it is you want is not enough! You also need to be ‘in action’! Now the phrase being in action seems to be one unique to cci and consciousness coaching! If any phrase encapsulates coaching, this is it. In order to succeed you need to be ‘in action’. [...]

Creating BHAG’s (Big Hairy, Audacious Goals)

Written Oct 24 2008Since I started my journey in consciousness coaching I have rekindle a desire to live a big life! This has led to the creation of a number of seriously large and scary goals….and I guess a rather natural reaction of me going itno hiding through sheer terror. So I started to ask myself, what is it about BHAG’s that makes them almost impossible to attain ? It is not like I have not made a seriously large BHAG (the woman’s world record) a reality already, so what is different this time ?In my world record journey I [...]

Activate Myself

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery

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