
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

The ‘Me’ Habit – What is Yours ?

Being yourself should not be that hard a thing to do. After all you have been doing it all your life… or have you ? I have a sneaky suspicion that we unlearn how to be ourselves as we grow up. We become what we think we should be or rather who we think we should be. We are not being us as much as we are playing a role. Now I have to confess that this blog is inspired by my own impending coaching session. Last week I decided to implement a Habit of Being Me! Instead of unconsciously [...]

Action vs Distraction

I have just finished a coaching session where in a fit of enthusiasm I elected to complete a list of actions that would get me to my goal. After 20 minutes of brainstorming I looked at my list and was less than impressed. There was a large amount of work on that list but very little action. Was I confusing distraction with action ? And what is the difference ?I propose the following answer…distraction is something you do when you are setting up the right environment. Some obvious examples would be getting the perfect environment, getting all the right training, [...]

When Nothing is Wrong, Anything is Possible

written Nov 6 2008What if Nothing was Wrong ? Nothing! No matter where you are in your life, even if the proverbial appears to have hit the fan….what if nothing was actually wrong.I can see you going, Huh ? So let me start again! It occurred to me that a large part of my life (if not the most part) is based on one single principle - that something is wrong and I have to fix it! Immediately ! With this insidious feeling comes pure dread and fear. Because when something is wrong I get into a space where it [...]

Activate Myself

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery

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