
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Practicing Choosing Power

The day I finally became the deepest female diver in the world, was the day I started to realise that there was something more to the story than just moving limits. Yes, setting a world record is an accomplishment and it required effort and commitment, but the journey was more than just a physical one. In fact, mastering the physical side was the easier of the challenges. Our society is geared toward learning facts and practicing skills. The real challenge came when I realised that being good at it was not going to get me my world record, there was [...]

Creating Yourself using Acceptance as a Tool!

It occurred to me that not many of us truly accept who we are now never mind who we have been. Yet when I think about the possibility of not having to watch everything I say or do or having to apologise for who I am or where I have been... I get a feeling of immense calm. How grand would it be to be OK with who I am and who I have been ? How different would my conversations be ?What would you have to do to truly accept who you are and who you were ? For [...]

The Pillars of Creation – Knowing, Doing, Being

How do you create limitless being… limitless abundance and limitless success ? Albert Einstein believed you could not solve a problem using same thought processes that created it. Society today would have us believe that success is a function of how good you are. Our lives are geared toward collecting the right skill set, yet how often do you hear people bemoaning a lost promotion, wondering how he got it with his inferior skill set. Companies seem to be filled with people who excel at what they do but never seem to rise up the corporate ladder. So if is [...]

Activate Myself

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery

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