
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

I have a Right to Exist – I am Equal Damnit!

I know something is not right when simple things just make me explode. There I was, enjoying a cycle with my hounds when an idiot barrels down our residential road trying to avoid the traffic on (he only saves like 400 meters, but hey, that 3 minutes makes all the difference). Now, like most roads in South Africa, our road has no space for either pedestrians or bicycles and the universe in its wisdom chose that exact moment to ensure that where I needed to actually cycle was in the middle of my lane so as to avoid a pedestrian, [...]

The Art of Mastering Yourself (Lessons from a World Record)

Late 2004 I finally reached 221 meters and the official woman’s depth world record. It was one of those pivotal moments, a dream finally achieved yet not completed. Something was missing and I could not rest until I found it! The problem was, I was not sure what I was looking for….which makes searching for an answer almost impossible, all I knew is that something as difficult to create as a world record should have had more of an impact on my life. Instead it felt like the most useless thing I had ever done and it was only when [...]

How to Manage Thoughts – Controlling vs Guiding

To claim yourself is to claim your mind. To claim your mind is not to control your thoughts but to understand that you choose which thoughts to indulge - you guide your thoughts.... and the starting place is always what do you want ? More importantly, what feeling are you trying to create with that want ? If you know what it is you want to be feeling then you can start to create that with what you have right now, no longer dependant on an outcome of something you rarely control! So...what do you want to be feeling today [...]

Activate Myself

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery

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