
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Just Who Do You Think You Are ?

I have some very clear memories of my father (amongst others) standing over me and shouting, “Just who do you think you are ?” I knew in that moment that I was nothing ! I was insignificant, barely worthy of breathing and how dare I even think that I could…. (insert here a number of things) -  how dare I think I could have an opinion, how dare I think I could do something extra ordinary, how dare I think I was better than everyone else and so special. Even writing these words brings up feelings I would rather not [...]

How You Tell the Story of Your Life Defines You

How do you tell the story of your life ? It has taken almost two decades to get to the point where I finally understand how important the words are that Iuse, especially when I tell the story of my life. I have spent over 4 decades learning to value other people’s impressions of me and discard my own. No more! I have made the choice to claim my own mind and to do that I need to claim the story of my life! I am not only talking about the past, I am talking about my present as well, [...]

If you do one thing today, do this – be present to the possibilities of who you are !

If you do one thing today, do this!Be present with the possibility that you are the creator of your life. Be present to the possibility that how you feel is a choice and how you change your feelings is by directing your thoughts. Open your space and allow yourself to live not from reaction or habit, but from vision. Yes, vision. To live from vision means to ask yourself over and over and over, what do I want ? What do I want to feel ? Imagine your life if you were the master! Imagine never again being bored or [...]

Activate Myself

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery

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