I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.
There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.
Exploring Agency
3 Reasons Why I Get Coached!
I was chatting about coaching and the benefits there-of and casually mentioned that I get coached, which came as a surprise to the people I was talking to. Perhaps it is because I already have achieved something grand and audacious (my world record) so there is a perception that I [...]
Are You Truly Empowered ?
It struck me that there are three words an individual can live his or her life by. Inspiration, Empowerment and Exploration. It then struck me that I was not 100% sure that I understood what those words really meant. Take empowerment. It has been around for a while. We talk [...]
Creating Choice – Disconnecting From Thoughts
written March 11 2009If you read the blog for long enough you will find that I am fascinated with the concept of thoughts and emotions. In particular how trapped we are by them - they seem to run our lives and I don’t know about you, but I sure did [...]
Exploring Curiosity
Exploring Momentum
Why You Need a Permanent, Internal Leadership Lab!
I facilitate our internal 3 day workshop on Agile Leadership (Servant Leadership based in Roger Schwartz’s book, The Skilled Facilitator ). For one of our bigger programs (around 200 people and about 12 feature teams), I am a permanent fixture with a permanent, dedicated space. We do the training at work which has raised some concerns – surely training should be an event, something special that is done outside the office ? To which I tend to look confused. “Don’t we value learning ? ” […]
The Struggle to Learn
A longtime diving friend reminded me that starting a new journey can sometimes be hard! She is starting technical diving and the skills aren’t the same as sport diving. I was reminded of what it is like to go from being competent and capable and then find myself struggling – especially if there are people around me who are finding it easy! Somehow as adults we seem to have forgotten that learning can be uncomfortable and hard – that when we learn we start off not knowing. Somehow we seem to think that we should already know what it is [...]
What happens when you take the make up off ? [Spiritual Tourist Ramblings]
Ramblings from a Spiritual Tourist..... Sitting surrounded by nuns I was struck by their beauty. They all have shaven heads, no makeup or jewelry and of course are dressed in the now familiar monk maroon robes. In a way, they all appear identical and plain by our western standards, yet I was struck by their naturalness and the beauty that seemed to flow effortlessly. One lady hooked me with her eyes - there was just something about them. Not their colour, she had brown eyes like everyone else, but about the way they smiled, crinkles on her eyes highlighting the [...]
Activate Myself
Leading using Freedom
I love how information suddenly pops up, especially information around my favorite topic, becoming free! I am not talking about physical freedom or even financial freedom, I am talking about the freedom to make different choices and experience different things. Freedom for me is to experience my day to day differently, from [...]
Where does the Change Sit ? With the Leaders or with Our Listening?
Changing culture isn’t easy, especially as culture can be seen to be the sum of all the individual identities, so it is inherently personal. One consistent narrative across organizations undergoing culture shifts seems to be that the leadership is the reason why we aren’t changing! If only our leaders would [...]
From Performance to Transformation (Coaching & Change that Lasts)
One of the topics this year is how we generate a culture change that is long lasting and not just sitting in the external domain of process and skills. Over the 2 years that I have been involved in the culture shift I have noticed that without changing mindsets and [...]
Activate Team
Activate Leadership
Personal Mastery
Leading isn’t Helping, Love isn’t Fixing
"Please, don't try to fix me. I am not broken. I have not asked for your solutions." The title for an excerpt that connected ...and a paragraph became a blog post. You see I had given up trying to explain this, now maybe I can. .I see this at work, I [...]
From Performance to Transformation (Coaching & Change that Lasts)
One of the topics this year is how we generate a culture change that is long lasting and not just sitting in the external domain of process and skills. Over the 2 years that I have been involved in the culture shift I have noticed that without changing mindsets and [...]
When Deep Purple writes a Concerto
Not your usual combination – orchestral music combined with rock. I am sure there are some die hard musico’s of both persuasions who shudder at the thought – where is the purity As I listened to the first of the concerto’s I started to wonder, how would you do it [...]