
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Know your Fear to Find Your Courage

The more I coach and speak to people about their dreams and how they can get there, the more the word fear comes up and the more obvious it became that fear is the one thing that stops people from moving forward. It occurred to me that perhaps we are a little too accepting of fear. There is fear…and then there is Fear yet we lump everything into one without ever really taking a look at what we are afraid of. Some fears can and probably should be ignored, others most definitely should not. […]

Becoming a Dream Maker – Lesson 1: Getting Started

One of the hardest things when bringing a dream into reality is getting going. What do I mean ? Well,  all dreams may not be world records, but for the person dreaming of something grand and different, the dream is as impossible and difficult. The whole point of a dream is that it is seemingly impossible and that you don’t think that you are good enough to get there, otherwise it would not be a dream, it would be your reality.   So, what happens when you find yourself talking about where you would like to be (my  dream job [...]

The Power of Falling Into Myself

When everything falls into place, I fall into myself, into a place that is calm, protected and powerful. It does not matter what happens around me because I exist completely here. The world storms around me, pulls and pushes, demanding I do, I be…everything I am not, yet here I exist as me! I am whole! I am complete!It is a place that always existed when I dived, especially on those dives where I was totally out of my comfort zone and it is a place I go to now when I need to operate from a place of complete [...]

Activate Myself

Getting Comfortable with Discomfort

Written October 01 2008 ‘With enlightenment comes release from suffering!' Now I am not sure I have the quote right, but somehow from my readings I managed to get the idea that to become enlightened means an end to suffering… as in no more suffering (which is logically an end [...]

The Power of Clarity and New Realities

written Sept 15 2008 There are many aspects to coaching and my journey to becoming a credited coach is turning out to be both exciting and exhilarating. I am experiencing life from both sides of the fence (as a coach as well as a coachwe (being coached ) which means [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery

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