I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.
There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.
Exploring Agency
Exploring Curiosity
Exploring Momentum
Unpacking that word ‘ Service’ – Why it is sometimes really not about you at all
I hate the word ‘service’. Hardly an enlightened stand, but I have never been able to understand it. It seemed forced on me, as if somehow to qualify as spiritually advanced I needed to be living a life of service. Ugh! Why ? What was it I was supposed to be learning from being in service ? To subjugate my ego ? Perhaps! I get that argument, but it still seemed to be missing something. Instead of easy acceptance, the rebel in me came out and I just flat out refused to play the game just because everyone else was. [...]
Why the Universe can’t Hear a ‘No’ – Becoming a Visionary who Consciously Creates Their Experiences.
Have a problem ? How are you framing it ? In terms of what you don’t want ? Or in terms of what would actually want ? Yes, I know, this is not a new topic for, but stay with me, because this might just help you understand why focusing on what you don’t want only brings you more of that. It talks to whether you are an observer or an active visionary, a conscious creator of your own experience and I don’t know about you, but to be able to consciously create my experience is definitely something I am [...]
Finding What You Want – A How to Guide!
What do I want ? Sounds like an easy question to answer right ? Not! I remember about ten years ago watching Oprah and listening to her speakers talk about creating a life that follows my bliss. It sounded like English only I did not know what it meant ? My bliss ? What is that ? What do I want ? I didn’t have a clue. All I knew was that I hated the life I was living and could see no way out. Even more disturbing, no-one had ever asked me that question before, in fact, speaking about what [...]
Activate Myself
We are all in coaching agreements, we just don’t know it
Written 23 Oct 2008 What if, you are already in a coaching agreement…just not with a trained coach ? As a coach I have to also ‘be’ coached. This ensures that I experience coaching from both sides (not to mention it keeps me on track on my own journey). It [...]
Fearless or Courageous – Life Lessons from Diving
One of the most prevalent themes I come across as a coach is that of fear! Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being visible, fear of being invisible. Fear is a common thread in all our lives. Sometimes it is so strong it paralysis one. [...]
What is Coaching ?
This is not as easy to answer as you may think. Coaching is something that has been around now for a good couple of years, but is only really starting to get traction in the corporate world. A definition is not so easy to find. The Wikipedia definition is ‘a [...]