
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Life Lessons from a Record – Turning Hope into Reality

We fall in love with hope, hope that promises us that there is a way out of our lives. There is! But it is not easy or something that can be given to you. It takes courage - the courage to start asking yourself hard questions.  Who am I being ? What am I creating ? What am I afraid of ? How would I like it to be ? What do I need to start thinking, saying and doing to start creating THAT INSTEAD! How many of you are prepared to start finding those answer ? Yes it is [...]

When Are You Enough ?

We all have a sentence that drives us, for some it is, ‘I am not enough!’ I know it is one of mine, a fear that sits there, eating away inside me. What if everyone finds out ? I could not bear the humiliation, the laughter and of course, the rejection. For a while I spent hours trying to find out where and how I started to believe this. Focusing on why, trying to find someone to blame let me off the hook. I didn’t have to dive into that blackhole and see if it was true. Then one day [...]

Making Your Dream Happen – A New Recipe for Dream Making

How do you fundamentaly change your life ? How do you find a new job or even a new relationship ? What is it you should be doing ? What is it you should not ? If anything is the Holy Grail in life it would be the ability to manifest what you want. Avid readers will have their well thumbed copy of “The Secret” and know all about using vision to create the future, the problem comes in the practice. Somehow, our interpretation and who we are gets in the way and instead of creating something new and exciting [...]

Activate Myself

Getting It vs Understanding

written Nov 27 2008 Who we are is not how we behave. How we behave is a habit, a habit of being and habits can be changed. I remember a long while back sitting in my office in absolute despair. I just did not know what it was I was [...]

Action vs Distraction

I have just finished a coaching session where in a fit of enthusiasm I elected to complete a list of actions that would get me to my goal. After 20 minutes of brainstorming I looked at my list and was less than impressed. There was a large amount of work [...]

When Nothing is Wrong, Anything is Possible

written Nov 6 2008What if Nothing was Wrong ? Nothing! No matter where you are in your life, even if the proverbial appears to have hit the fan….what if nothing was actually wrong.I can see you going, Huh ? So let me start again! It occurred to me that a [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery

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