
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Not Creating your Vision ? What You May be Doing Wrong

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’] [/author_image] [author_info]Verna van Schaik holds the Guinness World Record for the Deepest Dive by a Woman (on Scuba). She is a passionate believer that limits are choices and that anyone can create any dream, no matter how large. ” Who you are is not set in stone, it is a choice you make and that choice more than any other affects whether or not you reach your dream” [/author_info] [/author] I never know whether to focus on using the word vision or dream. One is very corporate, the other more personal  but, call it what you will, [...]

Finding Yourself by Choosing a Personal Brand

What if you were a product? What would you stand for ? Why would people be interacting with you and what would they expect ? What if actively choosing changes your experience, eliminates suffering and actually allows you to better create your dream life ?

How to Change Your Focus ?

If you aren’t hitting your target, then there is a good chance that your focus is not on what you want and you are being distracted. So how do you keep your focus tight ? The steps below are not sequential, but rather different practices that allow you to strengthen your focus and can be used separately or together. […]

Activate Myself

Deserving Abundance – Expecting It! Receiving It, Coaching for It!

All the coaching in the world is not going to get you your dreams if you fundamentally disbelieve that you are worthy. This believe that we are not special enough to deserve abundance is ingrained in our lives, so subconscious we barely see it even if we do experience its [...]

Working with boundaries, not within them

I blogged recently about SQ or spiritual intelligence..something that appealed to me instinctively, but something for which I could not find a definition… does this work for you ? Neither IQ or EQ, separately or in combinations, is enough to explain the full complexity of human intelligence nor the vast [...]

Habits of Dream Making – Creating Mind Space

I want you to think about how you spend your day or rather what you spend it thinking about. How often to you ‘get on it’ or to put it another way, how often are your buttons pushed and there you go, again. In those moments (which can fill a [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery

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