
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Why dreams fail : No time! No New! No belief in the supposedly impossible!

There comes a time when people just stop dreaming. Having spent years believing in a dream and never seeing it come true, they finally give up. Why do dreams fail ? To really live a vision you need to make sure you aren’t doing one of the following three things. No ‘New’. Simply put, if get what you do. So if you always do the same things you will get more of the same. This applies to reactions and behaviours and thoughts. No ‘Time’. Any dream requires space in which to manifest. If you have a full life, where is [...]

It’s not the Event that Creates your Experience, it’s the Way You Think About It !

This is a reoccurring theme for me at the moment. I often find myself trapped in the same experience, even though the names of the people seem to change. It is a difficult habit to break simply because we are so used to believing what we think and feel. In some of the courses I hve been on people have used phrases like, ‘what is your relationship to money ?’, which has made no sense. Relationships are things that people have, so how can I have a relationship with my job or my car or, or, or ? Here is [...]

Why Labels Become Limits and How they Defeat Your Vision

One of my favourite statements from my diving is that limits are choices. The problem is that most of us battle to see limits, which makes consciously choosing something new almost impossible. A really easy way to start to become aware of the limits you are living is to look at the labels you have unconsciously adopted. Labels are roles that have come from your parents, society and general environment. Some of mine are woman, world record holder, wife, sister, aunt, friend, employee, analyst… the list goes on and on and one and with each new label comes a set [...]

Activate Myself

Why I Can Not Survive Without My Coach

I was chatting about coaching and the benefits there-of and casually mentioned that I get coached, which came as a surprise to the people I was talking to. Perhaps it is because I already have achieved something grand and audacious (my world record) so there is a perception that I [...]

3 Reasons Why I Get Coached!

I was chatting about coaching and the benefits there-of and casually mentioned that I get coached, which came as a surprise to the people I was talking to. Perhaps it is because I already have achieved something grand and audacious (my world record) so there is a perception that I [...]

The Power of Completion

One of the basic principles in coaching is to finish what you start. Not finishing is a symptom of our modern day lives. We start projects, ideas, books and get distracted, de-motivated and just move onto the next thing. The problem is that these incompletions live on in our subconscious [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery

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