
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Why you need to Question More

“Being in the question gets you to be in creation. Questions are a source of creation. When you do anything from creation you start creating a different possibility. Which is what we’re looking to do. When you go into question, the purpose is not to get an answer, the purpose is to perceive and have more awareness.” Gary Douglas, Quote from What IF? I read the above and connected immediately. Ever since I started Consciousness Coaching I have been asked questions about what I think is true, how I perceive the world and of course, what I actually want. Funnily [...]

How you Create Your Own Suffering

Have you ever noticed how you become attached to what you pay attention to ? That is the moment the struggle begins – especially if you have decided that what you are noticing is wrong. Then you spend precious time and energy resisting, complaining and fighting all in a vain attempt to try and change something you can’t.  Because you can’t change people through telling them what is wrong. You can’t change people period. The only thing you can change is yourself and you will be amazed at how much influence you have when shift into the right state of [...]

How to Get More Confident by Failing

Self confidence is a skill and skills are things that you can practice! The downside is that to practice you need to be in situations that make you uncomfortable, situations that require that new skill, situations you have been avoiding because you keep on making ‘mistakes’. By doing nothing more than changing the way your think about mistakes and owning that relationship (rather than allowing other people to tell you how to think about them), you can change the way you approach and experience your life.  It takes courage – but courage is also a skill and something you can [...]

Activate Myself

The Pillars of Creation – Knowing, Doing, Being

How do you create limitless being… limitless abundance and limitless success ? Albert Einstein believed you could not solve a problem using same thought processes that created it. Society today would have us believe that success is a function of how good you are. Our lives are geared toward collecting [...]

What you Say or How you Say it ?

I was reminded the other day of my past and a phrase I used to hear quite frequently, “It is not what you say, but how you say it !”. Well that little phrase had me flummoxed. I had no clue what it meant or how I was supposed to [...]

Habits of Dream Making- Choosing Your Day

The joy about being a coach (and limitless being in training) is that I have access to the same tools that my clients have. One of the most mind blowing of these is the concept that we get to choose the context of anything we do. The basis of this [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery

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