I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.
There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.
Exploring Agency
How to Transform Self Doubt
The other day I was asked an interesting question, what is stopping me? From the long list of really, really good reasons only one turned out to be true, my self doubt. Simply put, I don’t know what it is that I have to offer and until I know that [...]
Practicing Choosing Power
The day I finally became the deepest female diver in the world, was the day I started to realise that there was something more to the story than just moving limits. Yes, setting a world record is an accomplishment and it required effort and commitment, but the journey was more [...]
Why I Can Not Survive Without My Coach
I was chatting about coaching and the benefits there-of and casually mentioned that I get coached, which came as a surprise to the people I was talking to. Perhaps it is because I already have achieved something grand and audacious (my world record) so there is a perception that I [...]
Exploring Curiosity
Exploring Momentum
A New Way of Using Information – Distributed Intelligence
"Could the next leap in evolution arise out of a shift in identification, in which we shed the story of battling for supremacy and move instead to playing our role as part of the larger team of life on Earth? Could the creativity and survival instinct of humanity as a whole, or even of life as a whole, act through us" I lov the idea of distributed intelligence with no one person having all the information and the way to an answer is through free flowing collaboration. It fits so well with the assumptions and values of our new way [...]
Escaping from Life’s Dead End (Soul Seeking)
“Do you think he will make it ?” I looked over at my fellow game designer, “Perhaps.” Then again, we didn’t have a good exit rate for this particular challenge. Not that we had been intended it to be this hard – it was supposed to be a final check for players on their way out of the finite loop and into self-creation. David (name changed to protect the innpcent) had a better chance than many players in the Corporate Loop version of the game. In fact, he was poised to be one of the few to break out of [...]
How You Show Up Matters – Creating Leadership Presence
One of the things I have struggled with my whole life (well, almost my whole life) has been showing up in a way that allows what I have to say to be heard. It isn’t something that is really taught – you have it or you don’t and for those of us who don’t have it, well, sorry for you. Then one day my boss asked me a question that got me curious, what impact do you think you are having ? I had no idea how to answer that, how would I even know ? She then mentioned a [...]
Activate Myself
What Would It Be Like to Live Without Judgement ?
Have you ever spent time with friends and then come home and wondered to yourself, what happened ? How come I found myself acting like that ? Who was in the room and what was I silently hearing from them ? No ? Oh! Well, I don't recommend it, especially [...]
Read Me In Case of Extreme Dread
Not perhaps a corporaty post… but I am quite curious how this connects. Speaks to a good part of my experience….. and yes, this is one of the assignments from Martha Becks’s Writing Into Light course. My theory here is that we have forgotten that companies are made up of people [...]
You aren’t looking in the right place – The power you have to change the world!
We all know the quote, be the Change. It is quite tired and hauled out regularly to inspire us workers. Ghandi's actual words are quite different and perhaps more powerful, "We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world [...]
Activate Team
Activate Leadership
Why you Can’t be Given Authority or Leadership aka, Finding that Missing x-Factor
I was tasked with managing a new resource at work! This is an exciting event because I get to share my expertise and at the same time, create space for someone to blossom and grow. It is also interesting to see the world through someone else’s eyes because the possibilities and attitudes I take for granted just don’t seem to be options other people consider! This is scary because if you can’t see something as an option then it isn’t and you end up living a life of limits that in fact you are creating. Not that most people would [...]
Unpacking that word ‘ Service’ – Why it is sometimes really not about you at all
I hate the word ‘service’. Hardly an enlightened stand, but I have never been able to understand it. It seemed forced on me, as if somehow to qualify as spiritually advanced I needed to be living a life of service. Ugh! Why ? What was it I was supposed to be learning from being in service ? To subjugate my ego ? Perhaps! I get that argument, but it still seemed to be missing something. Instead of easy acceptance, the rebel in me came out and I just flat out refused to play the game just because everyone else was. [...]
The Difference Between Helping & Coaching
It always astonishes me what lessons there are to be learnt in coaching, this weeks is how entrenched the concept of being helped is in our society. Here is the thing, in coaching you are not given answers. You are not helped. If there is one fundamental philosophy in coaching it is that as a coach I stand for your greatness. What that means is that I give you the space to find your answers. When I give you an answer I am disabling and disempowering you. I am saying that I know better and how could that possibly be [...]
Personal Mastery
The Struggle to Learn
A longtime diving friend reminded me that starting a new journey can sometimes be hard! She is starting technical diving and the skills aren’t the same as sport diving. I was reminded of what it is like to go from being competent and capable and then find myself struggling – [...]
The Distraction of Knowing
Once again, not a corporate post but one that speaks to a culture shift from a personal level. When we change how we show up we create new possibilities, so for me corporate culture shift is as much about processes like Scrum and concepts like Lean and Agile as they [...]
What Would It Be Like to Live Without Judgement ?
Have you ever spent time with friends and then come home and wondered to yourself, what happened ? How come I found myself acting like that ? Who was in the room and what was I silently hearing from them ? No ? Oh! Well, I don't recommend it, especially [...]