
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Lessons from Diving – Being Good isn’t Good Enough

How do you translate a diving world record into your real life ? A good question and one I have spent a decade answering. The more I look for the connections, the more connections I find because it isn’t really about the ‘what’ (diving is not something everyone will want to do or relate to ), it is about the ‘who’. Diving is a merely a skill, a skill I happened to be good at – being great however took something more. Having a skill isn’t good enough […]

How to Eradicate Suffering from the World

I was started along this thought path by one of my facebook readers, Maggie Cee – she wanted to know how to change the suffering of others.  It struck me as both odd and normal all in one. Normal – because a lot of us are motivated by a desire to remove unnecessary suffering from the world. Odd, because I no longer see suffering as something that is wrong and so needs to be eradicated.  It boils down to three principles for me. Is suffering wrong or is it just an interesting point of view we have ? Are you [...]

Opening Yourself Up to Possibility – Paradigm Shifting/ Using Your Point of View

If you changed one thing today it would be the way your Points of View run your life. They ensure you stay this side of what is 'right', missing opportunities simply because of your point of view. What if there was no right or wrong ? What if there were just Interesting Points of View that you didn't need to get attached to, defend or reject ?

Activate Myself

How to Live Consciously by Mastering Emotions

Over the last decade (if not more) I have been obsessed with one thing, escaping suffering. For most of my life I have felt like a stranger in my own life. I have no control! Everything I say or do is driven by one thing and one thing only. My [...]

How to Transform Self Doubt

The other day I was asked an interesting question, what is stopping me? From the long list of really, really good reasons only one turned out to be true, my self doubt. Simply put, I don’t know what it is that I have to offer and until I know that [...]

Practicing Choosing Power

The day I finally became the deepest female diver in the world, was the day I started to realise that there was something more to the story than just moving limits. Yes, setting a world record is an accomplishment and it required effort and commitment, but the journey was more [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery

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