
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Practicing Courage

What if courage was a skill that could be practiced rather than something you were either borne with or not ? It took me a while to understand that the courage I so admired in other people was something I also had access to, simply because I had been taught to believe courage was something you were either born with or not…and I was in that ‘not’ category. So what if courage was something anyone could practice at any time ? How would you ? What would that look like ? […]

How we Use Stories to Limit Ourselves

What if the stories you tell yourself about who you are and what is happening to you are choices ? What if you could choose powerful, liberating stories where you are the hero and let go of the one’s where you have no choice and are a victim ? When I started Consciousness Coaching I was introduced to the concept of stories. It was a liberating concept but surprisingly hard to actually ‘get’. When you are aware of the stories you tell and the stories you are being told, life becomes a lot easier to escape, or at least,  limits [...]

Activate Myself

The Power of a Label – Attachment vs Acceptance

This year seems to be about creating freedom, which first requires that I understand what I mean when I choose to be free. The more I work with this specific Enlightenment Intention (Free) the more I understand that for me, freedom is about letting go of identifying with the labels [...]

Being Empowered – Using the power of your Voice and Choice!

The entire goal behind te-a and Conscious Enlightenment is to create empowered individuals. Which requires a number of conditions to be met. The first and most important of these is to understand what empowerment is. It is not something that you can be given! No matter how long you wait [...]

What do you Want? Do you know ?

It is one of those days, when I get lost in my thoughts, trying to find my way forward. Inevitably I find myself coming back to that one question, “What do I want?” It is a question that always interests me because, if take a step back and just watch [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery

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