
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Using a Rainy Day Bumper Bash to Create Something Else

When someone drives into the back of your brand new car, what do you do ? Jump out and shout ? Or do you use it to make a difference ? What impact do you choose ? Do you choose ? This is my story …and yes, my brand new car. […]

Why ‘What’ you ‘do’ doesn’t really matter & Who you are ‘being’, does!

“It’s not what you do creates the impact, it is who you are being (whilst doing it)” For the longest time I have known that the difference between making it and staying behind is not in what I was doing but in who I was being. There are a number of reasons why you need to start to separate who you are from what you do. My first ‘aha’ moment was when I realised that my dreams are always outside of my comfort zone and to get to ‘there’ I had to actively change who I was being so that [...]

Why You Will Never Make it…unless…

Richard Branson made it, so did Steve Jobs. Look around you and you will see a few people who don’t seem to really care about the rules, instead they go for it and quite a lot of the time, succeed. We don’t like them much. I know I don’t – not when I have been patiently waiting in the queue, following the rules. Why should they go straight to the front of the queue when I have been waiting not so patiently to be seen, acknowledged and rewarded. Why should they get picked and not me ? What do they [...]

Activate Myself

Lessons Learnt from Diving – The Art of Empowerment

The moment the euphoria started to wear off was the moment I realised that my world record was not an ending, but a beginning, one that may take my entire life to understand. When I get stuck I tend to look back at my diving to see if what I [...]

Why You Need to Practice Detachment

My passion is to be an explorer whose sole job is to create myself - independently of what other people think, of societies labels and expectations and any other definition that tries to box me and create limits. It is enough that my identity has a PhD in creating limits. [...]

When last did a course or book create a lasting change ?

The biggest frustration I have had over the last decade or so (which is how long I have been on this journey), has been the fact that no matter what course I do or what book I read, when the novelty has worne off, I still feel trapped and in [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Leadership Mastery

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