
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Why You create the journey…and why the journey creates you!

Why You create the journey…and why the journey creates you! We often don't start journeying to our dreams because we weren't born with that personality, but what if the journey is there to allow you to discover a new side of you ? What if the journey creates you as much as you create the journey ?

What is Stopping You from Being Free ?

What is freedom for you ? For me it is being able to choose which means having the ability to leave where I am and go where I choose. I have always attached that to wealth, because if I didn’t have to earn a salary and pay my bills I would be free only would I ? Is freedom really the perfect job, the perfect house, the perfect <insert your thing here> ? What would I do if I had the choice to do anything ? […]

What if Happiness was a choice ?

The thought popped out of nowhere yesterday (which was not one of my best days). If happiness were a choice, how would I create it ? What is it I would be choosing ? For a brief moment I felt connected to spot inside myself that was independent of anything and everything going on around me – a spot that seemed to pulse with joy ….and then it was gone. What if happiness really was nothing but a choice ? What if it had nothing to do with what I have or where I was or what car I was [...]

Activate Myself

Why an Apple Determines Your Success

Hardly an obvious connection although I think most people would immediately jump to the Garden of Eden and the story that has haunted us woman for, well , ever. If only Eve had not taken a bit of that apple. In this story the apple is not portrayed in a [...]

The Art of Mastering Yourself (Lessons from a World Record)

Late 2004 I finally reached 221 meters and the official woman’s depth world record. It was one of those pivotal moments, a dream finally achieved yet not completed. Something was missing and I could not rest until I found it! The problem was, I was not sure what I was [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Living Your Life as a Legacy

I don't know about you, but until recently the entire goal of my life has been to just get through today! The years spin by and at the end of each one i am amazed that so little has happened, yet i was so busy! Part of my coaching journey [...]

We are all in coaching agreements, we just don’t know it

Written 23 Oct 2008 What if, you are already in a coaching agreement…just not with a trained coach ? As a coach I have to also ‘be’ coached. This ensures that I experience coaching from both sides (not to mention it keeps me on track on my own journey). It [...]

Fearless or Courageous – Life Lessons from Diving

One of the most prevalent themes I come across as a coach is that of fear! Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being visible, fear of being invisible. Fear is a common thread in all our lives. Sometimes it is so strong it paralysis one. [...]

Leadership Mastery

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