
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Why you need a plan if you want to get ‘there’ (never mind started)

I know, a plan, how boring – but without a plan you are not going to get started. How do I know, because that is exactly how it works out for me. Without a plan I just don’t find the time in my day to get to step one or even to get started and without step one there is no step 2 or 3 or 4. Without a plan it all looks to big and full of effort, and well, I just don't have time right now. When I get time I will get right on it. The problem [...]

What if you lived with Dare ?

Breaking a world record requires an intimate understanding of fear, both physical and mental. It requires an ability to see limits and so push past them and it requires courage, the courage to keep going, the courage to trust yourself and not listen to the so-called betters, the courage to Dare. It requires you to actually LIVE Dare! What do I mean by DARE ? You need the desire to get from here to there. You need attitude, because who you are as if not more important that how good you are at what you do, you need reach, because [...]

Activate Myself

Finding What You Want – A How to Guide!

What do I want ? Sounds like an easy question to answer right ? Not! I remember about ten years ago watching Oprah and listening to her speakers talk about creating a life that follows my bliss. It sounded like English only I did not know what it meant ? [...]

Know your Fear to Find Your Courage

The more I coach and speak to people about their dreams and how they can get there, the more the word fear comes up and the more obvious it became that fear is the one thing that stops people from moving forward. It occurred to me that perhaps we are [...]

Becoming a Dream Maker – Lesson 1: Getting Started

One of the hardest things when bringing a dream into reality is getting going. What do I mean ? Well,  all dreams may not be world records, but for the person dreaming of something grand and different, the dream is as impossible and difficult. The whole point of a dream [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Getting It vs Understanding

written Nov 27 2008 Who we are is not how we behave. How we behave is a habit, a habit of being and habits can be changed. I remember a long while back sitting in my office in absolute despair. I just did not know what it was I was [...]

Action vs Distraction

I have just finished a coaching session where in a fit of enthusiasm I elected to complete a list of actions that would get me to my goal. After 20 minutes of brainstorming I looked at my list and was less than impressed. There was a large amount of work [...]

When Nothing is Wrong, Anything is Possible

written Nov 6 2008What if Nothing was Wrong ? Nothing! No matter where you are in your life, even if the proverbial appears to have hit the fan….what if nothing was actually wrong.I can see you going, Huh ? So let me start again! It occurred to me that a [...]

Leadership Mastery

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