
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

You have to want it – why you need to foster Desire !

In a decade of trying to understand how come I have a world record and other divers who I think have the inherent ability don’t I have realised that wanting it is a critical element to pushing boundaries. It is important to remember that every one has limits in which they operate but not everyone’s limit happens to break a world record though. The location of your limit doesn’t have anything to do with how hard it is for you to push which is where Desire comes in. Living with Dare requires desire. Desire is a specific type of focus. [...]

Working with Consequences

I have been trying to get a handle on what is bothering me at the moment and I think it might be that no-one seems prepared to accept consequences. Yet if you are going to live with dare and claim your life you have to start ’doing’ and the moment you start to do you have to start managing consequences. If I am finding that my world is rejecting consequences it is generally a good indicator that I am! So here we go, getting to grips with consequences because until I do, there is no forward, there is just here [...]

Why you need to start learning again !

What if learning wasn't about getting the right grade ? What if learning/ education was a Tool ? Yes, I am reading again, a rather fascinating book called Punished by Rewards (Alfie Kohn) that will change the way you see the world around you, how you interact with it and how you got to where you are, but that is another blog, this one is about how you learn and why you don’t anymore – because you don’t see the value in it! A bit to extreme ? Well then, What if learning wasn’t about getting the right grade but [...]

Activate Myself

Fear is…

Fear is…    Fear is a coward!      Fear is a liar!          Fear is a bad habit!!

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Habits of Dream Making – Setting Your Context

Feb 2 2009 Context is a term one learns early in consciousness coaching. Using it becomes part of your day, however explaining it is hard. Perhaps an example will make it easier. You have a meeting scheduled that you are dreading. Your boss is there and you know he is [...]

A Different View of Meditation

Written Tue Jan 23 2009 Ten years ago meditation was not that mainstream, these days more and more people are discovering the benefits, yet to many it is still a mysterious practice. I started meditation almost ten years ago and am still hard pressed to ‘explain’ it. My journey started [...]

Letting Go

Have a pen handy ? Pick it up! Now....drop it! Easy right ? One of the hardest (and simplest) concepts to grasp with coaching is how easily we pick things up. We get on it! We hold our pain, our misery and our past tight, tight, tight. When really all [...]

Leadership Mastery

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