
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

When Someone Else’s Emotions are Your Limits

This idea that emotions have a power of their own is one that fascinates me. I meet very few people who are able to focus on what they want regardless of what they are feeling – and when I do they tend to be me, which really gets me interested. This post isn’t about mastering my emotions, it is about how I let the emotions of other people master me, which is a not so obvious twist to a familiar topic. It starts with how aware you are of how other people affect you ? Have you noticed how hard [...]

Yes, you do have a super power, can you name it ?

Imagine a cv, that had only one thing on it, your super power! The difference you make every day at work! Most of us can’t because we don’t think of ourselves like that, we don’t see ourselves as a brand or as something we can sum up into one or three words. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise when we don’t really create any impact – if you don’t know what you are creating you can’t choose the actions and opportunities that will create that, any road will do! Now, imagine you had a super power ? Something that [...]

Yes, you have to be uncomfortable to get to ‘there’

I was struck by a comment I was at the receiving end of. It went like this, “I don’t see the point of what you write about anymore, all I see is how uncomfortable your life is and the suffering that comes with living with dare, why are you doing it if it isn’t working ? “ I was stopped in my tracks! What do you mean it isn’t working ? What do you mean it is hard and tough and comes with suffering ? I thought that was a given ? And then I realised, this probably was how [...]

Activate Myself

How to Stop Worrying

What would we all do if we just stopped worrying ? Because if you think about it, what we spend most of our time doing is worry about things that may or may not happen. Let me ask another question, how is that working for you ? Does your worry [...]

Mastering Emotions with Meditation

I don’t know about you, but the ability to stay calm, cool and collected at work (amongst other places) is quite high on my list of things to perfect. It is even more frustrating to be stuck on this and know that who I am is something that can change – my [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Habits of Dream Making – Knowledge vs Habit

It struck me the other day how easy it is these days to accumulate knowledge. Powerful and successful leaders have all written books outlining how they made it to the top. The shelves of bookshops are filled with books on leadership, team building and how to be a success. Which [...]

Never Failing Is Possible!

  It occurred to me that there is an art to never failing and it is wrapped up the context you create for yourself when you undertake a task. For most of us engaging in the world is not a conscious exercise. We get up. We go to work. We [...]

The Difference Between Helping & Coaching

It always astonishes me what lessons there are to be learnt in coaching, this weeks is how entrenched the concept of being helped is in our society. Here is the thing, in coaching you are not given answers. You are not helped. If there is one fundamental philosophy in coaching [...]

Leadership Mastery

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