
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

It’s All About Your Energy – How I Started Living with Dare!

The western world calls it body language, the alternative healing world will use words like aura and chakra’s . For me they are talking about the same thing, your energy. I rarely blog about energy work simply because I find it gets in the way of the message I want to be spreading, living with dare. Why ? Many people start this road with a strong religious base that isn’t always open to energy work or meditation and that is OK. For me the two messages, living with dare and energy work, aren’t mutually exclusive. Living with dare is about [...]

Are you Daring to Choose ?

Living with Dare is about choosing for yourself. To choose you need to compromise. To compromise you need to know what is important and what is not. To know what is important you need to know what you want to create. But let’s go back to making choices and compromise! Finding out what you want is a whole topic on its own and once you have it, the next step that people often get stuck at is the ‘doing it’ part because they haven’t mastered the art of choosing. What if choosing was a skill not something you were born [...]

Facing Down Fear – The Two Ways

Yes, there are only a couple of ways when you come down to it. When you practice them, you are practicing Courage. The fear never goes away though! That is important to understand. If you are waiting for the fear to stop before you start you will wait forever. The Fearsome Pull of ‘There’ The Ferocious Push of ‘Here’ […]

Activate Myself

How to NOT be Frustrated – A Beginners Guide

I don’t know about you, but living in today’s world is one non-stop frustration. If it isn’t traffic in the morning, it is queues to get anything done or irritating neighbours. The only time I am not irritated seems to be on those few and far between holidays…and even then [...]

Lessons on Mastering Your Life – Letting go of the Fight

The essence of #ClaimingMyself is to create freedom and empowerment which translates into the ability to actively create joy and the life I want to live. In that search I read almost continuously, finding inspiration at the oddest moments, triggered by the oddest things. The following story from the Dalai [...]

Where is Your Focus ? Destination or Direction ?

Do you focus on heading toward a specific destination or do you use your goal as a direction, ? The difference is profound. Defining your ‘there’ a specific destination or a as a focused direction affects how you get there and I suspect, the speed, quality of experience and chance [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Deserving Abundance – Expecting It! Receiving It, Coaching for It!

All the coaching in the world is not going to get you your dreams if you fundamentally disbelieve that you are worthy. This believe that we are not special enough to deserve abundance is ingrained in our lives, so subconscious we barely see it even if we do experience its [...]

Working with boundaries, not within them

I blogged recently about SQ or spiritual intelligence..something that appealed to me instinctively, but something for which I could not find a definition… does this work for you ? Neither IQ or EQ, separately or in combinations, is enough to explain the full complexity of human intelligence nor the vast [...]

Habits of Dream Making – Creating Mind Space

I want you to think about how you spend your day or rather what you spend it thinking about. How often to you ‘get on it’ or to put it another way, how often are your buttons pushed and there you go, again. In those moments (which can fill a [...]

Leadership Mastery

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