
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Have you Given Up ?

I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying. Nelson Mandela Driving to work, the winter super moon hanging in a crystal winter sky I suddenly heard a voice ask me, Have you given up ? Living with Dare is about keeping moving, swimming through my fear and inspiring others to take the chance to imagine, dream and create. It is hard work passing on the idea of Living with Dare. It seems as a society we have forgotten how to dream, we have just given up, accepting the lives we [...]

Psst! Looking for a Path ? Someone to Follow ?

Aren’t we all! It would explain the extreme popularity of self-help books, guru’s and celebrities. If you are anything like me (and I suspect you are, or you wouldn’t be reading this), you have done your time trying to fit in and be who you are supposed to be. You have been a good girl (or boy) and read up on what is expected of you and done it, waiting with increasing frustration as nothing seems to happen. There you are, follow the rules and you aren’t getting anywhere. No wonder you are frustrated. This is not how it was [...]

An experience is never factual but only conceptual

I loved reading this! It is from one of my favourite authors, Jed McKenna, who has a way of looking at the world that will turn your worldview on its side. What if my experiences are loosely based on fact and are nothing but perception ? Am I even able to identify facts, or do I just see the conclusions I have drawn ? Has someone really offended me or harmed me ? How would I know if I add context to actions and events, context that I can’t even see ?  So when ‘she’ said good morning to me, [...]

Activate Myself

Not Creating your Vision ? What You May be Doing Wrong

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’] [/author_image] [author_info]Verna van Schaik holds the Guinness World Record for the Deepest Dive by a Woman (on Scuba). She is a passionate believer that limits are choices and that anyone can create any dream, no matter how large. ” Who you are is not set in stone, [...]

How to Change Your Focus ?

If you aren’t hitting your target, then there is a good chance that your focus is not on what you want and you are being distracted. So how do you keep your focus tight ? The steps below are not sequential, but rather different practices that allow you to strengthen [...]

Not Hitting Your Target ? Why You Need to Manage Your Focus

Yes, it is about being good at what you do. But what happens when you have the skill set but you are still not getting where you want ? How do you pull it all together and create your ultimate goal ? That was the big question I found myself [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Why I Can Not Survive Without My Coach

I was chatting about coaching and the benefits there-of and casually mentioned that I get coached, which came as a surprise to the people I was talking to. Perhaps it is because I already have achieved something grand and audacious (my world record) so there is a perception that I [...]

3 Reasons Why I Get Coached!

I was chatting about coaching and the benefits there-of and casually mentioned that I get coached, which came as a surprise to the people I was talking to. Perhaps it is because I already have achieved something grand and audacious (my world record) so there is a perception that I [...]

The Power of Completion

One of the basic principles in coaching is to finish what you start. Not finishing is a symptom of our modern day lives. We start projects, ideas, books and get distracted, de-motivated and just move onto the next thing. The problem is that these incompletions live on in our subconscious [...]

Leadership Mastery

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