
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Why You Need to Ignore Your Emotions

Well maybe ignore isn’t the right word, perhaps question is better. Why ? Because emotions are habits – even worse emotion and the reactions they generate are unconscious habits that create your experiences. Not sure – well one or two episodes of the Housewives of Beverly Hills (or New York) may convince you. Having had one (or more) conversations with woman around me that revolved around the phrase “how I am feeling, how you are feeling” I have come to the following conclusions: 1)      When a conversation starts with ‘how I feel’, and I am not the ‘I’ in the [...]

In the words of Madiba, are you letting your light shine ?

It is a hard thing to do, let your light shine and be special! We have been taught that we need permission to be special, we need to be chosen by people in authority. We also know ourselves and that means we know we aren’t perfect and that we have flaws so how on earth can we be special. Interesting that, that you need to be perfect to be special. Is it true though ? What about replacing special (and so perfect) with being unique and flawed ? What about spending a week just focusing on what you are good [...]

Are you Reacting or Acting ? Why it makes a difference!

Is there one thing that could fundamentally change your experience  of the world ? Probably not, but shifting from reaction to action would be a close contender. Reactions are automatic, almost pre-programmed. They happen without much (if any) thought or effort on your part and provide a set of emotions, thoughts and words that you are so used to you name them ‘you’. You don’t doubt that this is who you are because this is who you have always been.  When x happens you react this way – that is how it is. Or is it ? What if reactions [...]

Activate Myself

Why Labels Become Limits and How they Defeat Your Vision

One of my favourite statements from my diving is that limits are choices. The problem is that most of us battle to see limits, which makes consciously choosing something new almost impossible. A really easy way to start to become aware of the limits you are living is to look [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

How to Live Consciously by Mastering Emotions

Over the last decade (if not more) I have been obsessed with one thing, escaping suffering. For most of my life I have felt like a stranger in my own life. I have no control! Everything I say or do is driven by one thing and one thing only. My [...]

The Pillars of Creation – Knowing, Doing, Being

How do you create limitless being… limitless abundance and limitless success ? Albert Einstein believed you could not solve a problem using same thought processes that created it. Society today would have us believe that success is a function of how good you are. Our lives are geared toward collecting [...]

Habits of Dream Making- Choosing Your Day

The joy about being a coach (and limitless being in training) is that I have access to the same tools that my clients have. One of the most mind blowing of these is the concept that we get to choose the context of anything we do. The basis of this [...]

Leadership Mastery

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