
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Madiba Lived with Dare, Why Not You? aka Using Madiba’s 67 minutes to create the change you want to see in the world

What if Change has to Start with Who you Are ? “One of the things I learned when I was negotiating was that until I changed myself, I could not change others.” Nelson Mandela On Thursday 18 July Nelson Mandela turns 94. His long walk to freedom gave my country, South Africa, a lifeline. It took two incredible men  (one of whom was a staunch Afrikaner, Noble Peace Prize winner, FW de Klerk) to extinguish an oppressive and racist regime without full out civil war and bring to our country the promise of rainbow nation with democracy and equality. Two [...]

How You Talk To Yourself Counts – What Words Are You Using ?

We are so used to our thoughts that we don’t even notice them, even though they drive all our choices. What I love about thoughts is that they aren’t choices. They happUnderlineen on their own, without us. And even more disturbing, they create every moment we live…whether we are aware of it or not. Living with Dare is about taking back those moments and owning them, which means you need to start actively managing your thoughts. Actions can change thoughts – simply by choosing something over and over in spite of what you are thinking and feeling you can start [...]

The First Rule of Owning your Life – You Can’t Create a Negative!

I sometimes forget that the things that are basics for me might not be for you and this is one of those fundamental pieces of wisdom that you need if you want to live with dare and start creating the life you want to love. You can’t create a negative! Take a bad habit (smoking is a popular one, mine is biting my finger nails). Every time I try I focus on what I don’t want to be doing, not biting my nails. Which means I am totally focused on what I don’t want and as what I think about [...]

Activate Myself

Why you need to Question More

“Being in the question gets you to be in creation. Questions are a source of creation. When you do anything from creation you start creating a different possibility. Which is what we’re looking to do. When you go into question, the purpose is not to get an answer, the purpose [...]

How you Create Your Own Suffering

Have you ever noticed how you become attached to what you pay attention to ? That is the moment the struggle begins – especially if you have decided that what you are noticing is wrong. Then you spend precious time and energy resisting, complaining and fighting all in a vain [...]

How to Get More Confident by Failing

Self confidence is a skill and skills are things that you can practice! The downside is that to practice you need to be in situations that make you uncomfortable, situations that require that new skill, situations you have been avoiding because you keep on making ‘mistakes’. By doing nothing more [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Are You Creating More of What You Don’t Want ?

One of the clearest learning’s I took from Consciousness Coaching was the statement that the universe can not create a negative. The wording is not perhaps clear but the more I work on creating my own life the more entrenched this single phrase becomes. All around me are people who [...]

The Power of a Label – Attachment vs Acceptance

This year seems to be about creating freedom, which first requires that I understand what I mean when I choose to be free. The more I work with this specific Enlightenment Intention (Free) the more I understand that for me, freedom is about letting go of identifying with the labels [...]

What do you Want? Do you know ?

It is one of those days, when I get lost in my thoughts, trying to find my way forward. Inevitably I find myself coming back to that one question, “What do I want?” It is a question that always interests me because, if take a step back and just watch [...]

Leadership Mastery

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