
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

How to Get Started with that Dream

Living with Dare and creating a life you want to love is all well and good, but how ? How do you start ? How about with curiosity ? In diving I was lucky, I knew what the dream was, be deepest. In my real life that dream isn’t quite so easy to define. The first time I was asked what it was I wanted I looked at the lady with a blank stared. Huh ? But her question got me curious. What do I want ? What don’t I want ? What could happen ? Why couldn’t I be [...]

There is no such thing as an Impossible Problem!

I love impossible problems, because they aren’t! There is no such thing as an impossible problem – what you actually have is a problem that current thinking can not solve. It is deemed to be impossible by everyone because everyone is thinking about them the same way. Which is why some people are able to solve the impossible – they challenge the thinking and assumptions, let go of what is ‘true’ and start from scratch. If anything was possible, how would it happen ? When you think about a problem you don’t actually see the problem, you see a package [...]

How to get the Support you Need!

Looking for support before you get started with making that dream come true ? Aren’t we all. Which is where the problem comes in. When we believe that who we are isn’t good enough we wait for someone who is good enough to come along and show us the way. People who make it happened don’t wait, they do! So why are you waiting ? […]

Activate Myself

Lessons from Diving – Being Good isn’t Good Enough

How do you translate a diving world record into your real life ? A good question and one I have spent a decade answering. The more I look for the connections, the more connections I find because it isn’t really about the ‘what’ (diving is not something everyone will want [...]

Opening Yourself Up to Possibility – Paradigm Shifting/ Using Your Point of View

If you changed one thing today it would be the way your Points of View run your life. They ensure you stay this side of what is 'right', missing opportunities simply because of your point of view. What if there was no right or wrong ? What if there were just Interesting Points of View that you didn't need to get attached to, defend or reject ?

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

The Art of Mastering Yourself (Lessons from a World Record)

Late 2004 I finally reached 221 meters and the official woman’s depth world record. It was one of those pivotal moments, a dream finally achieved yet not completed. Something was missing and I could not rest until I found it! The problem was, I was not sure what I was [...]

How to Manage Thoughts – Controlling vs Guiding

To claim yourself is to claim your mind. To claim your mind is not to control your thoughts but to understand that you choose which thoughts to indulge - you guide your thoughts.... and the starting place is always what do you want ? More importantly, what feeling are you [...]

Why Meditate ?

Meditation has only one meaning, and that is going beyond the mind and becoming a witness.” Osho For all who travel the path of spiritual growth, meditation is the one practice that seems to be consistently required. Like most people I started to incorporate 20 minutes of meditation into my [...]

Leadership Mastery

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