
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

How to Find Your Dare

I wish I could draw you a map, a way to get from where you are to that place where anything is possible. I know it exists because I have been there once or twice, but even I battle to find it when I change the starting point. In diving it took desperation and a dream that would not let me go. I had no choice but let go of everything I thought was true. I had no choice but stop believing in who i was and instead believe in who I could be. It scared me silly! What if [...]

How to Get Unstuck

I ask myself this question all the time. When I find myself trapped by life, my choices and my dreams I know I have to start to look at the things I won’t let go of. I know I have to start to face the fear I have been avoiding. I have only ever found one way to get unstuck – accept the consequences I am avoiding! What consequences are you avoiding ? What are you desperately holding onto at the cost of everything ? […]

What Fear do You need to Face ?

Living with Dare is about pushing your limits and that means finding your fear and saying, Howdy! (or in South Africa, Howzit). Which is part of the problem, we don’t like feeling fear. We don’t like it so much we don’t even have to feel it anymore, we just have to think about the possibility and we stop immediately. We fear, fear itself! […]

Activate Myself

Why You Will Never Make it…unless…

Richard Branson made it, so did Steve Jobs. Look around you and you will see a few people who don’t seem to really care about the rules, instead they go for it and quite a lot of the time, succeed. We don’t like them much. I know I don’t – [...]

Practicing Courage

What if courage was a skill that could be practiced rather than something you were either borne with or not ? It took me a while to understand that the courage I so admired in other people was something I also had access to, simply because I had been taught [...]

How we Use Stories to Limit Ourselves

What if the stories you tell yourself about who you are and what is happening to you are choices ? What if you could choose powerful, liberating stories where you are the hero and let go of the one’s where you have no choice and are a victim ? When [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Becoming a Dream Maker – Lesson 1: Getting Started

One of the hardest things when bringing a dream into reality is getting going. What do I mean ? Well,  all dreams may not be world records, but for the person dreaming of something grand and different, the dream is as impossible and difficult. The whole point of a dream [...]

Why an Apple Determines Your Success

Hardly an obvious connection although I think most people would immediately jump to the Garden of Eden and the story that has haunted us woman for, well , ever. If only Eve had not taken a bit of that apple. In this story the apple is not portrayed in a [...]

Leadership Mastery

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