
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

It Always Seems Impossible……

Until its done –  Nelson Mandela (Long Walk to Freedom). Then it is so obvious everyone wonders why it took so long to smash! No-one could reach the top of Everest, until it was done. Now there are traffic jams and queues of climbers waiting to get there and back. No-one could dive deeper than 100 meters, until it was done. Now there are courses that anyone with the money and equipment can do to take you there. No-one could reach the moon, until it was done! Ok! So these impossible problems were smashed by extraordinary people and you are [...]

Tips and Tricks to Living with Dare – Mastering Emotions

What if you could choose how you feel ? I love this question, because it took me so long to realise that maybe, just maybe I could. And in that maybe I suddenly glimpsed a freedom I didn’t know was possible. I have been fighting the stereotype of woman as overly emotional my entire life and for a while, I managed to suppress pretty much every emotion I had – to the point where I could not have told you what I was feeling. Not a good place to be, because I was still living my emotions, now with no [...]

How are you Practicing Courage ?

One of the biggest things that gets in the way when I am exploring outside my comfort zone is the very firm ideas I have of how things are! I thought I knew what Courage was – something you are either born with or (in my case), not! Because I thought I knew what courage was and so knew that I did not have it, it never occurred to me that I could face my fears, because to face a fear you have to have courage. So I never did. […]

Activate Myself

What Letting Go Looks Like

If you are an avid ready of what I guess is called self development, you have probably heard over and over how you need to ‘let go’. All well and good, but as with most things in books, not so easy to do. How do you let go ? What does [...]

Life isn’t a lottery, it is a choice!

“Our economy has become a giant lottery. Perhaps you’ll get picked to be on American Idol. Perhaps you’ll sue someone and get a windfall. Perhaps you’ll be the one who gets promoted to partner as a result of all your hard work (but maybe you won’t). We celebrate the Forbes [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Finding What You Want – A How to Guide!

What do I want ? Sounds like an easy question to answer right ? Not! I remember about ten years ago watching Oprah and listening to her speakers talk about creating a life that follows my bliss. It sounded like English only I did not know what it meant ? [...]

Know your Fear to Find Your Courage

The more I coach and speak to people about their dreams and how they can get there, the more the word fear comes up and the more obvious it became that fear is the one thing that stops people from moving forward. It occurred to me that perhaps we are [...]

Leadership Mastery

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