
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Things I Refuse to Accept

I refuse to accept…that I am not enough and so I can’t! I refuse to accept…that I need to an organisation or body or person, no matter how prestigious or powerful to recognise me or what I do. I refuse to accept…that you need to agree with me or help me! I don’t have the time to convince you and change your mind. I don’t have the energy! You do what works for you, I will do what works for me. No hard feelings! […]

When People Are the Problem!

One of the biggest stumbling blocks reaching 221 meters was the fact that I needed a team. To get a team I needed to convince people to believe that I could do this and want to be a part of the journey. The more I tried to convince the people around me the more depressed I became. It just wasn’t possible. I spent years trying to change people’s minds when what I really needed to do was stop! Yes! Stop! What I needed to know was that you can’t convince everyone and when you find yourself surrounded by people who [...]

Wanna Give Up ? All Hope Gone ?

Some days hope is hard to find. Yes! I am living one of those days. I don’t enjoy this part of the process and sometimes I wonder if it really is worth even bothering to dream of something different. It is another morning that will become another day that will most likely look just like the day before…which wasn’t bad, it was just … uninspiring. There was nothing to look forward to. Nothing to make happen. These are the days when dreams make everything look bleak – especially when you have been imagining for a while and things don’t seem [...]

Activate Myself

Why You create the journey…and why the journey creates you!

Why You create the journey…and why the journey creates you! We often don't start journeying to our dreams because we weren't born with that personality, but what if the journey is there to allow you to discover a new side of you ? What if the journey creates you as much as you create the journey ?

What if Happiness was a choice ?

The thought popped out of nowhere yesterday (which was not one of my best days). If happiness were a choice, how would I create it ? What is it I would be choosing ? For a brief moment I felt connected to spot inside myself that was independent of anything [...]

Creating New Habits – How About Using the Daily Dare ?

You may have noticed a new addition to the subscription list and facebook page, the Daily Focus Word.  This is an idea I have had for a while, a way to create focus in my day and so enable me to be conscious of the change I want to create. [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Fear is…

Fear is…    Fear is a coward!      Fear is a liar!          Fear is a bad habit!!

The Quick Guide to Escaping Suffering

If you were absolutely honest with yourself, your entire search for a more spiritual existence is driven by the desire to escape suffering. There will come a point in your journey where everything you have read suddenly sinks in and you will know that suffering is nothing more than an [...]

Leadership Mastery

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