
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Finding Ways to Let the Past Stay in the Past

This started as a quick reminder on my Facebook page. “It is fun and feels natural and normal to talk about what happened and why. But by bringing the past into the present you lose the opportunity to create a new future. You lose the present.” Seems I needed to say more, especially on the ‘how to’. As with most things I comment on, it starts with something I notice about myself and how I interact in the world and even worse, create my own suffering. Yes, I am trying to own my life, as scary and difficult as that [...]

Why you Can’t be Given Authority or Leadership aka, Finding that Missing x-Factor

I was tasked with managing a new resource at work! This is an exciting event because I get to share my expertise and at the same time, create space for someone to blossom and grow. It is also interesting to see the world through someone else’s eyes because the possibilities and attitudes I take for granted just don’t seem to be options other people consider! This is scary because if you can’t see something as an option then it isn’t and you end up living a life of limits that in fact you are creating. Not that most people would [...]

What Would It Take to Love The Life/Job You Have ?

We spend so much time waiting for a specific event to happen, then we will be happy, then things will be fine and you will relax. So, has that happened yet ? Or are you living your life waiting for a future reality to make things all right ? What would it take to love the life you have right now ? Yes! This one! The one you hate! The one you are trying to escape! […]

Activate Myself

What if you lived with Dare ?

Breaking a world record requires an intimate understanding of fear, both physical and mental. It requires an ability to see limits and so push past them and it requires courage, the courage to keep going, the courage to trust yourself and not listen to the so-called betters, the courage to [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Lessons on Mastering Your Life – Letting go of the Fight

The essence of #ClaimingMyself is to create freedom and empowerment which translates into the ability to actively create joy and the life I want to live. In that search I read almost continuously, finding inspiration at the oddest moments, triggered by the oddest things. The following story from the Dalai [...]

How to Stop Worrying

What would we all do if we just stopped worrying ? Because if you think about it, what we spend most of our time doing is worry about things that may or may not happen. Let me ask another question, how is that working for you ? Does your worry [...]

Mastering Emotions with Meditation

I don’t know about you, but the ability to stay calm, cool and collected at work (amongst other places) is quite high on my list of things to perfect. It is even more frustrating to be stuck on this and know that who I am is something that can change – my [...]

Leadership Mastery

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