
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

When You Start Believing the World – Read This! Immediately!

It doesn’t matter if someone else things you are useless or inadequate. Really, it doesn’t! What matters is what you think! You probably haven’t been taught to override someone else’s judgement and opinion of you and what you are doing, you should have because what people think comes from their experiences and is seldom pure truth. Just because you aren’t making the choices that someone else would doesn’t make your choices wrong. Just because you aren’t acting, reacting, doing or saying the way someone else would doesn’t make it wrong. You are different! You are Unique! You have to find [...]

Find Your Dare – Create Anything

This is the title of my soon to be presented TEDxSoweto talk and it inspired me so much I took the structure and turned it into an essay. Something that wraps my blogs and facebook posts into one place. Not the book I want to write, but part of it. Log onto and get it for free using the following coupon code. JL76B. You can also get it at Amazon - please tell them about the lower price at Smashwords so that it can come down and please rate it when you are done (actually, rate it on Amazon [...]

Before you can live a life you love have to…

Let go of being normal. Let go of fitting in. Accept your essential weirdness and accept that doing something new and different takes you outside of the tribe. Tribes hate outliers and will do anything to get you back. You have to conform. But what if you refuse ? What if you decide to accept that it is ok to be different! To really create a life you love you have to accept that you are going to disappoint some people. You know that, which is why you have been avoiding doing it because those people are important to you. [...]

Activate Myself

You have to want it – why you need to foster Desire !

In a decade of trying to understand how come I have a world record and other divers who I think have the inherent ability don’t I have realised that wanting it is a critical element to pushing boundaries. It is important to remember that every one has limits in which [...]

Working with Consequences

I have been trying to get a handle on what is bothering me at the moment and I think it might be that no-one seems prepared to accept consequences. Yet if you are going to live with dare and claim your life you have to start ’doing’ and the moment [...]

Why you need to start learning again !

What if learning wasn't about getting the right grade ? What if learning/ education was a Tool ? Yes, I am reading again, a rather fascinating book called Punished by Rewards (Alfie Kohn) that will change the way you see the world around you, how you interact with it and [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Why Labels Become Limits and How they Defeat Your Vision

One of my favourite statements from my diving is that limits are choices. The problem is that most of us battle to see limits, which makes consciously choosing something new almost impossible. A really easy way to start to become aware of the limits you are living is to look [...]

How to Change Your Focus ?

If you aren’t hitting your target, then there is a good chance that your focus is not on what you want and you are being distracted. So how do you keep your focus tight ? The steps below are not sequential, but rather different practices that allow you to strengthen [...]

How to NOT be Frustrated – A Beginners Guide

I don’t know about you, but living in today’s world is one non-stop frustration. If it isn’t traffic in the morning, it is queues to get anything done or irritating neighbours. The only time I am not irritated seems to be on those few and far between holidays…and even then [...]

Leadership Mastery

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