
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Fighting Fear – To Win!

My closest friend is going for an op. It isn’t a biggie, in fact it is something she wanted to do, just not now. With the suddenness came the fear. So there she sits, waiting until op day battling to manage her ‘silly’ fear. It struck a cord with me. Fear is what stops us from doing everything and anything. Fear is the thing we have to resolve before we can move forward, but how ? Because facing your fear and winning isn’t something that sits in your head. You can’t outthink fear. It isn’t rational or logical, it just [...]

Dreams, Dreaming and Reality

I have been putting together my talk for TEDxSoweto (02 November, can’t wait) and some interesting things have come up for me. Dreams are not about world firsts, they are about YOU doing something for the first time which means all dreams are equal because all first are equally intimidating. Getting started turns a dream into reality but starting is hard because you have to get through your fear and we aren’t taught how to face our fears and do it anyway. Dreams push us past ourselves into who we could be. They ask the question what if you could [...]

Why YOU are Important!

This is not about you being unique (you are). It is about how you relate to yourself and how that matters. It is hard to see and hear the way we talk to ourselves but very, very easy to notice other people so let’s start there. Have you noticed how some people are very judgemental and hard on the people around them ? Have you noticed how some people are more forgiving and tolerant to the people around them ? […]

Activate Myself

Facing Down Fear – The Two Ways

Yes, there are only a couple of ways when you come down to it. When you practice them, you are practicing Courage. The fear never goes away though! That is important to understand. If you are waiting for the fear to stop before you start you will wait forever. The [...]

When Someone Else’s Emotions are Your Limits

This idea that emotions have a power of their own is one that fascinates me. I meet very few people who are able to focus on what they want regardless of what they are feeling – and when I do they tend to be me, which really gets me interested. [...]

Yes, you have to be uncomfortable to get to ‘there’

I was struck by a comment I was at the receiving end of. It went like this, “I don’t see the point of what you write about anymore, all I see is how uncomfortable your life is and the suffering that comes with living with dare, why are you doing [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

How you Create Your Own Suffering

Have you ever noticed how you become attached to what you pay attention to ? That is the moment the struggle begins – especially if you have decided that what you are noticing is wrong. Then you spend precious time and energy resisting, complaining and fighting all in a vain [...]

Leadership Mastery

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