
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

What if Courage was a Skill ?

Then it could be learnt and that would mean it is something you could have! This post is inspired by my 100 words in O Mag this month, talking to Ways to Face Fear. We spend so much of our time fighting fear and waiting for that moment or person to come along so that we can finally be brave, but what if those of us who are brave are just like you ? What if courage as a choice and not something you get borne with or without ? What if you can practice it ? Did you know [...]

When You Don’t Get Chosen – What Now ?

You may or may not have read about my saga with The Woman’s Diving Hall of Fame, an ostensibly legitimate organisation that promotes woman in diving but in my experience is more of an ‘old boys club’ where apparently a Guinness World Record isn’t significant or good enough to get in. (read more here and feel free to mail them and ask why yourself). No explanation, just a rather bland, we regret to inform you! It has got me thinking about being chosen and how it sucks to NOT be accepted, especially by bodies that present themselves as authorities. We have [...]

Being the Deepest Woman in the World isn’t Enough to Get into The Woman’s Hall of Fame

I am not sure if I should be insulted, amused or indifferent. My dive to 221 meters in 2004 put me in the top ten deepest dives in the world (around 5 or 6 depending who you believe or don’t believe). It is a cave record and when it is broken, it will be broke in the sea, not a cave. I was the first and only woman to dive deep in Boesmans and am the third deepest (once again, depending on who you believe) The Woman’s Hall of Fame states that they honour woman who have: set/ broken  a world [...]

Activate Myself

Are you Reacting or Acting ? Why it makes a difference!

Is there one thing that could fundamentally change your experience  of the world ? Probably not, but shifting from reaction to action would be a close contender. Reactions are automatic, almost pre-programmed. They happen without much (if any) thought or effort on your part and provide a set of emotions, [...]

Have you Given Up ?

I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying. Nelson Mandela Driving to work, the winter super moon hanging in a crystal winter sky I suddenly heard a voice ask me, Have you given up ? Living with Dare is about [...]

Psst! Looking for a Path ? Someone to Follow ?

Aren’t we all! It would explain the extreme popularity of self-help books, guru’s and celebrities. If you are anything like me (and I suspect you are, or you wouldn’t be reading this), you have done your time trying to fit in and be who you are supposed to be. You [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Why You Will Never Make it…unless…

Richard Branson made it, so did Steve Jobs. Look around you and you will see a few people who don’t seem to really care about the rules, instead they go for it and quite a lot of the time, succeed. We don’t like them much. I know I don’t – [...]

How we Use Stories to Limit Ourselves

What if the stories you tell yourself about who you are and what is happening to you are choices ? What if you could choose powerful, liberating stories where you are the hero and let go of the one’s where you have no choice and are a victim ? When [...]

Leadership Mastery

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