
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Practicing What I Preach – A Lesson in Dare

Do I ? Practice what I preach ? Yes! Do I get it right in every moment of every day ? No! Most definitely not. But every day I get a bit better and those days add up. Some days it is just plain embarrassing because I have to live up to 'this' and people wonder how I can talk about Living with Dare and not live it, every time. Well, that is kind of the point. To live with dare is to dare to get it wrong because each time you get it wrong you let go of the [...]

What Changed in 2013 for You ?

Did you start the year full of enthusiasm and then somehow you got lost in the day to day ? What did change ? Anything? Nothing ? Bet if you looked something changed. You became more aware, more conscious. It doesn't have to be something physical, it can be a calmer you. It can even be understanding who you are and how you live in your world and get lost in it. That is often the first step to conscious creation. Using this year, 2013 as a guide, what would you need to do differently in 2014 ? What if [...]

What are YOU saying that is creating what is showing up?

Everything about living with Dare is about claiming your life and you can only start to do that when you start to become of aware of how your thoughts create your experience. This isn’t a new concept – it has been around for at least two decades in the form of intentions all of which never connected for me. I needed something more solid, less ‘feely’, I needed to understand how thoughts create stories and how stories create reality. Think about it ! When you think you fall into a story, you explain to yourself what is happening, who the [...]

Activate Myself

How You Talk To Yourself Counts – What Words Are You Using ?

We are so used to our thoughts that we don’t even notice them, even though they drive all our choices. What I love about thoughts is that they aren’t choices. They happUnderlineen on their own, without us. And even more disturbing, they create every moment we live…whether we are aware [...]

Why You Need to Ignore Your Emotions

Well maybe ignore isn’t the right word, perhaps question is better. Why ? Because emotions are habits – even worse emotion and the reactions they generate are unconscious habits that create your experiences. Not sure – well one or two episodes of the Housewives of Beverly Hills (or New York) [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

What if you lived with Dare ?

Breaking a world record requires an intimate understanding of fear, both physical and mental. It requires an ability to see limits and so push past them and it requires courage, the courage to keep going, the courage to trust yourself and not listen to the so-called betters, the courage to [...]

What if Happiness was a choice ?

The thought popped out of nowhere yesterday (which was not one of my best days). If happiness were a choice, how would I create it ? What is it I would be choosing ? For a brief moment I felt connected to spot inside myself that was independent of anything [...]

Life isn’t a lottery, it is a choice!

“Our economy has become a giant lottery. Perhaps you’ll get picked to be on American Idol. Perhaps you’ll sue someone and get a windfall. Perhaps you’ll be the one who gets promoted to partner as a result of all your hard work (but maybe you won’t). We celebrate the Forbes [...]

Leadership Mastery

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