
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Living with Dare – Questions for Creation

Living with Dare is something that has evolved over the last decade. I realised that I wasn’t happy with who I was or the life I was living. It looked good, but it didn’t seem to fit! I had a world record but couldn’t seem to take that limit shattering ability into the rest of my life. The problem was that I didn’t know where my life was broken which meant I couldn’t fix it. I read and read and did courses and read some more and nowhere did anyone tell me HOW to create the change they kept on [...]

How is 2014 Going to be DIFFERENT ?

Do you know ? Why not ? You only have so many years to create a life you want to love, how many more are you going to waste not doing anything about it and just waiting ? If you don't know what you want to change, you can't create it ? So how are you going to find out ? How is THIS year going to be different ? What are YOU going to do ? Because you need a plan and you need to hold yourself to that plan. You need steps that you have to take, one [...]

TEDxSoweto – Verna van Schaik – What if YOU could live with Dare ?

What if you could live with Dare ? What do you think ? Please Share, Like and comment. I would love to know what connected with you and what you are going to take into your life, because that is what it is about, you owning your life, your dreams and making it all happen. What if all it took was a choice ?

Activate Myself

There is no such thing as an Impossible Problem!

I love impossible problems, because they aren’t! There is no such thing as an impossible problem – what you actually have is a problem that current thinking can not solve. It is deemed to be impossible by everyone because everyone is thinking about them the same way. Which is why [...]

How to get the Support you Need!

Looking for support before you get started with making that dream come true ? Aren’t we all. Which is where the problem comes in. When we believe that who we are isn’t good enough we wait for someone who is good enough to come along and show us the way. [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

Working with Consequences

I have been trying to get a handle on what is bothering me at the moment and I think it might be that no-one seems prepared to accept consequences. Yet if you are going to live with dare and claim your life you have to start ’doing’ and the moment [...]

Why you need to start learning again !

What if learning wasn't about getting the right grade ? What if learning/ education was a Tool ? Yes, I am reading again, a rather fascinating book called Punished by Rewards (Alfie Kohn) that will change the way you see the world around you, how you interact with it and [...]

Leadership Mastery

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