
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Lessons from a World Record – Teams and Vision and Leadership

You may think that a world record is a solo thing, it isn’t! It requires a team of 6 to 10 people, some of whom are in the water, some of whom are ensuring people get into the water at the right time and know what they are doing. On every deep dive there was a list of people and times – those divers had to be in the water at that time to meet me at a specific time. If that did not happen it could have meant the difference between me surviving or not because when things go [...]

Lessons from a World Record – Persistence

It is rare these days that I remember Boesmans and the huge amount of effort that it takes to dive there. I chose to build a cottage, fix it, be off the grid and move in within 4 weeks. Which would have worked if the build wasn’t  2 weeks late and my husband ended up leaving for shift 3 days early. Which meant I moved into a half completed house, with limited water and electricity and then of course, it all broke. To get to that point had been almost impossible. Days of trying to be at work and then [...]

The How of “How” – Making the Unknown Known

If I had to sum up the one skill that a world record needs it is the ability to turn the unknown into the known (and dare I say, make it boring). To shift a limit – be it a personal one or a world one – you need to step into the unknown and explore. For a decade I searched for a ‘how’. How can I become enlightened ? How can I become calm and relaxed and confident? How can I transfer the limitless power and possibility I had found in diving to every moment of every day ? [...]

Activate Myself

How to Find Your Dare

I wish I could draw you a map, a way to get from where you are to that place where anything is possible. I know it exists because I have been there once or twice, but even I battle to find it when I change the starting point. In diving [...]

How to Get Unstuck

I ask myself this question all the time. When I find myself trapped by life, my choices and my dreams I know I have to start to look at the things I won’t let go of. I know I have to start to face the fear I have been avoiding. [...]

What Fear do You need to Face ?

Living with Dare is about pushing your limits and that means finding your fear and saying, Howdy! (or in South Africa, Howzit). Which is part of the problem, we don’t like feeling fear. We don’t like it so much we don’t even have to feel it anymore, we just have [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

When Someone Else’s Emotions are Your Limits

This idea that emotions have a power of their own is one that fascinates me. I meet very few people who are able to focus on what they want regardless of what they are feeling – and when I do they tend to be me, which really gets me interested. [...]

Yes, you have to be uncomfortable to get to ‘there’

I was struck by a comment I was at the receiving end of. It went like this, “I don’t see the point of what you write about anymore, all I see is how uncomfortable your life is and the suffering that comes with living with dare, why are you doing [...]

You have to want it – why you need to foster Desire !

In a decade of trying to understand how come I have a world record and other divers who I think have the inherent ability don’t I have realised that wanting it is a critical element to pushing boundaries. It is important to remember that every one has limits in which [...]

Leadership Mastery

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