
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Finding my Worth – Why a world record is worthless

I have a confession to make. One that doesn't come easily. or make much sense to many people. One that has taken my entire life time to face. I have low self-esteem! It sounds impossible right ? I have a world record ? That takes courage, that takes stepping out of the shadow into that space where people can see you and judge and mock. I was lucky, I had a strong desire, one that was strong enough to overcome my fear. How do I know this is true ? I battle to hold onto who I am when there [...]

Why You Need to Ask More Questions

I have known for a while that the key to my sanity and growth lies in the questions I ask myself. I have two, "what do I want ? " (often how do I want to feel when I can't answer that one) and "what will it take ?" I never knew why questions worked until I realised I was using questions to give me a decision making framework. I didn't even know I needed one. Then I started to look around and realised that we are surrounded by decision making frameworks that direct our lives - we just don't [...]

Things I Wish I had Known Ten Years Ago (or is it 15 ?)

I have to be kind to myself before I can be kind to anyone else. The alternative on this one is - how I speak to myself and what I expect from myself is how I treat others. Scary thought if you think about it...and observe the people around you more Until I find the courage to explore who I am I will never be certain about who I am and so never be confident about the things I say and do, because what if they are wrong. Courage is a choice. To act with courage I need to first accept [...]

Activate Myself

It Always Seems Impossible……

Until its done –  Nelson Mandela (Long Walk to Freedom). Then it is so obvious everyone wonders why it took so long to smash! No-one could reach the top of Everest, until it was done. Now there are traffic jams and queues of climbers waiting to get there and back. [...]

Tips and Tricks to Living with Dare – Mastering Emotions

What if you could choose how you feel ? I love this question, because it took me so long to realise that maybe, just maybe I could. And in that maybe I suddenly glimpsed a freedom I didn’t know was possible. I have been fighting the stereotype of woman as [...]

How are you Practicing Courage ?

One of the biggest things that gets in the way when I am exploring outside my comfort zone is the very firm ideas I have of how things are! I thought I knew what Courage was – something you are either born with or (in my case), not! Because I [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

An experience is never factual but only conceptual

I loved reading this! It is from one of my favourite authors, Jed McKenna, who has a way of looking at the world that will turn your worldview on its side. What if my experiences are loosely based on fact and are nothing but perception ? Am I even able [...]

Are you Daring to Choose ?

Living with Dare is about choosing for yourself. To choose you need to compromise. To compromise you need to know what is important and what is not. To know what is important you need to know what you want to create. But let’s go back to making choices and compromise! [...]

Facing Down Fear – The Two Ways

Yes, there are only a couple of ways when you come down to it. When you practice them, you are practicing Courage. The fear never goes away though! That is important to understand. If you are waiting for the fear to stop before you start you will wait forever. The [...]

Leadership Mastery

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