
I blog, randomly about the things I observe and the things I learn.

There is a blog around my new learning adventure on my yacht, called Wright Away, or find a category and explore.


Exploring Agency

Exploring Curiosity

Exploring Momentum

Why you need to be Meditating (The Science Talks)

I have been on this journey to create who I am for over a decade and consistently through that has been the word meditation. I started with Transcendental Meditation or TM (which is now quite notorious for not being as advertised but worked for me and got my mind to stop). Then I explored more Buddhist versions of meditation, discovering a marvelous book called the Diamond Mind (Rob Nairn) and another really interesting one called 'Touching Enlightenment (Reginald Ray). I am now on a daily meditation practice using the concepts and Meditations that Dr Joe Dispenza talks about and I am [...]

A new talk to celebrate 10 Years of Being Deepest – Dare to Be Extraordinary

Yes, it has been almost 11 years, never mind a decade and I have a new talk lined up - Everyone's Guide to Daring to Be Extraordinary! What if being extraordinary is something you could choose and create ? What does it take ? What is it that you have to fundamentally know and start to practice ? How do you step outside of the box that you live in, the box that is known and familiar and that keeps you trapped in your current reality ? How do you become extraordinary ? This isn't just for individuals but for corporates looking [...]

Finding Your Value – Claiming Your Extraordinary

You may have noticed but one of my battles has been with connecting to my value. It took me all of 44 years to discover that the feeling of dread that I got whenever I did something that made me standout was the really the fear of being told that what I had just done/ said /thought was wrong!  For me that meant that I had no value or worth! As a result, I have spent 44 years hiding from criticism and judgement in a desperate attempt to hold onto what little sense of value and worth I had. All [...]

Activate Myself

Find Your Dare – Create Anything

This is the title of my soon to be presented TEDxSoweto talk and it inspired me so much I took the structure and turned it into an essay. Something that wraps my blogs and facebook posts into one place. Not the book I want to write, but part of it. [...]

Finding Ways to Let the Past Stay in the Past

This started as a quick reminder on my Facebook page. “It is fun and feels natural and normal to talk about what happened and why. But by bringing the past into the present you lose the opportunity to create a new future. You lose the present.” Seems I needed to [...]

Activate Team

Activate Leadership

Personal Mastery

What Fear do You need to Face ?

Living with Dare is about pushing your limits and that means finding your fear and saying, Howdy! (or in South Africa, Howzit). Which is part of the problem, we don’t like feeling fear. We don’t like it so much we don’t even have to feel it anymore, we just have [...]

There is no such thing as an Impossible Problem!

I love impossible problems, because they aren’t! There is no such thing as an impossible problem – what you actually have is a problem that current thinking can not solve. It is deemed to be impossible by everyone because everyone is thinking about them the same way. Which is why [...]

Leadership Mastery

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