Habits of Dream Making – Setting Your Context
Feb 2 2009 Context is a term one learns early in consciousness coaching. Using it becomes part of your day, however explaining it is hard. Perhaps an example will make [...]
Feb 2 2009 Context is a term one learns early in consciousness coaching. Using it becomes part of your day, however explaining it is hard. Perhaps an example will make [...]
Sun Jan 18 2009This may make no sense for people who have not done the Master series. For example, standing for some-one's greatness means not running to their rescue and [...]
Written Tue Jan 23 2009 Ten years ago meditation was not that mainstream, these days more and more people are discovering the benefits, yet to many it is still a [...]
There is a phrase that stuck with me from my coaching courses, ‘Getting it’. Getting it is not the same as getting information. I can tell you something, but until [...]
Have a pen handy ? Pick it up! Now....drop it! Easy right ? One of the hardest (and simplest) concepts to grasp with coaching is how easily we pick things [...]
written Nov 27 2008 Who we are is not how we behave. How we behave is a habit, a habit of being and habits can be changed. I remember a [...]
written Nov 26 2008 Sometimes I just open a book and see where the page lands. It can be quite interesting. The book was Illusions by Richard Bach (stunning book.... [...]
Being yourself should not be that hard a thing to do. After all you have been doing it all your life… or have you ? I have a sneaky suspicion [...]
I have just finished a coaching session where in a fit of enthusiasm I elected to complete a list of actions that would get me to my goal. After 20 [...]
written Nov 6 2008What if Nothing was Wrong ? Nothing! No matter where you are in your life, even if the proverbial appears to have hit the fan….what if nothing [...]