Who Are You ?
I was reading an advert for a conference promoting woman as leaders. Other than being expensive and filled with woman at the top of their game (OK, woman with impressive [...]
I was reading an advert for a conference promoting woman as leaders. Other than being expensive and filled with woman at the top of their game (OK, woman with impressive [...]
The joy about being a coach (and limitless being in training) is that I have access to the same tools that my clients have. One of the most mind blowing [...]
I was chatting about coaching and the benefits there-of and casually mentioned that I get coached, which came as a surprise to the people I was talking to. Perhaps it [...]
I was chatting about coaching and the benefits there-of and casually mentioned that I get coached, which came as a surprise to the people I was talking to. Perhaps it [...]
One of the basic principles in coaching is to finish what you start. Not finishing is a symptom of our modern day lives. We start projects, ideas, books and get [...]
All the coaching in the world is not going to get you your dreams if you fundamentally disbelieve that you are worthy. This believe that we are not special enough [...]
The question as to whether or not we are limitless is one that has fascinated me for a while. I have a world record but does that mean I was [...]
I was watching Oprah looking for an answer or perhaps it was inspiration, either way, Oprah is normally a good bet. She was talking about Spirituality, something I am quite [...]
IQ allows you to answer questions...EQ allows you to interact with people...SQ allows you to change the limits...
I blogged recently about SQ or spiritual intelligence..something that appealed to me instinctively, but something for which I could not find a definition…..how does this work for you ? Neither [...]