Practicing Choosing Power
The day I finally became the deepest female diver in the world, was the day I started to realise that there was something more to the story than just moving [...]
The day I finally became the deepest female diver in the world, was the day I started to realise that there was something more to the story than just moving [...]
It occurred to me that not many of us truly accept who we are now never mind who we have been. Yet when I think about the possibility of not [...]
How do you create limitless being… limitless abundance and limitless success ? Albert Einstein believed you could not solve a problem using same thought processes that created it. Society today [...]
So what if, through all the coaching and courses, books and shows we are just missing the point ? What if it is not about what you are doing, the [...]
I was sitting under my mind tree, a large baobab, cross oak reminiscent of the Faraway Tree of my youth (yes, it does have a slippery slip). This is the [...]
Back in the day (way back, when the world was still dark and scary) I read an interesting statement. That people if given two equally valid intepretations of the facts [...]
Having a boyfriend in Afghanistan, listening to the stories of poverty, misery - a nation trying to just exist, survive, bring up families... I was struck at how we may [...]
I was reminded the other day of my past and a phrase I used to hear quite frequently, “It is not what you say, but how you say it !”. [...]
I have spent a lifetime not being special. Which sounds odd considering I hold the womans record for depth. So why do I feel that I am not ‘special’ ? [...]
I was reading an advert for a conference promoting woman as leaders. Other than being expensive and filled with woman at the top of their game (OK, woman with impressive [...]