Are you Redecorating the Office or Are you Creating Real Change ?
One of my pivotal books at the moment is ‘Spiritual Enlightenment – The Damndest Thing’ by Jed Mckenna. Seems to just hit the spot about where I am and how [...]
One of my pivotal books at the moment is ‘Spiritual Enlightenment – The Damndest Thing’ by Jed Mckenna. Seems to just hit the spot about where I am and how [...]
The entire goal behind te-a and Conscious Enlightenment is to create empowered individuals. Which requires a number of conditions to be met. The first and most important of these is [...]
It is one of those days, when I get lost in my thoughts, trying to find my way forward. Inevitably I find myself coming back to that one question, “What [...]
The more I Live Enlightenment, the more Enlightenment Intentions I find. A quick recap for those of you who are not familiar with the practice of Living Enlightenment. This is [...]
Over the last decade (if not more) I have been obsessed with one thing, escaping suffering. For most of my life I have felt like a stranger in my own [...]
The other day I was asked an interesting question, what is stopping me? From the long list of really, really good reasons only one turned out to be true, my [...]
In an effort to bring more joy into my day to day I spent last week focusing on (amongst other things) creating a sense of inner calm and peace. I [...]
One of the things that fascinates me about me is how desperate I am to escape, well me. It seems as if I am trapped in a personality that creates [...]
Well after almost two years of silence I am back. The years have not been wasted - I have been working on finding a way to create lasting change. My [...]
I woke up this morning and it seemed to be that letting go of control did not mean giving up responsibility. I woke up and thought, what would it be [...]