Life Lessons from a World Record – How to create a bridge from ‘here’ to ‘there’
What I love most about my world record is the lessons entangled up in the diving. Don’t get me wrong, I could talk for hours about the challenge inherent in [...]
What I love most about my world record is the lessons entangled up in the diving. Don’t get me wrong, I could talk for hours about the challenge inherent in [...]
The one thing the world never seems to teach is confidence in who I am. Finding my own worth and value is a life long journey. There is nothing more [...]
Hardly an obvious connection although I think most people would immediately jump to the Garden of Eden and the story that has haunted us woman for, well , ever. If [...]
I have some very clear memories of my father (amongst others) standing over me and shouting, “Just who do you think you are ?” I knew in that moment that [...]
How do you tell the story of your life ? It has taken almost two decades to get to the point where I finally understand how important the words are [...]
If you do one thing today, do this!Be present with the possibility that you are the creator of your life. Be present to the possibility that how you feel is [...]
I know something is not right when simple things just make me explode. There I was, enjoying a cycle with my hounds when an idiot barrels down our residential road [...]
Late 2004 I finally reached 221 meters and the official woman’s depth world record. It was one of those pivotal moments, a dream finally achieved yet not completed. Something was [...]
To claim yourself is to claim your mind. To claim your mind is not to control your thoughts but to understand that you choose which thoughts to indulge - you [...]
Meditation has only one meaning, and that is going beyond the mind and becoming a witness.” Osho For all who travel the path of spiritual growth, meditation is the one [...]