Making Your Dream Happen – A New Recipe for Dream Making
How do you fundamentaly change your life ? How do you find a new job or even a new relationship ? What is it you should be doing ? What [...]
How do you fundamentaly change your life ? How do you find a new job or even a new relationship ? What is it you should be doing ? What [...]
Fear is… Fear is a coward! Fear is a liar! Fear is a bad habit!!
If you were absolutely honest with yourself, your entire search for a more spiritual existence is driven by the desire to escape suffering. There will come a point in your [...]
Perhaps you are one of those lucky few who never learnt resistance. Regrettably, this is not one of my natural habits. Resistance is the enemy in a spiritually advanced soul [...]
I hate the word ‘service’. Hardly an enlightened stand, but I have never been able to understand it. It seemed forced on me, as if somehow to qualify as spiritually [...]
Have a problem ? How are you framing it ? In terms of what you don’t want ? Or in terms of what would actually want ? Yes, I know, [...]
What do I want ? Sounds like an easy question to answer right ? Not! I remember about ten years ago watching Oprah and listening to her speakers talk about [...]
The more I coach and speak to people about their dreams and how they can get there, the more the word fear comes up and the more obvious it became [...]
One of the hardest things when bringing a dream into reality is getting going. What do I mean ? Well, all dreams may not be world records, but for the [...]
When everything falls into place, I fall into myself, into a place that is calm, protected and powerful. It does not matter what happens around me because I exist completely [...]