Life isn’t a lottery, it is a choice!
“Our economy has become a giant lottery. Perhaps you’ll get picked to be on American Idol. Perhaps you’ll sue someone and get a windfall. Perhaps you’ll be the one who [...]
“Our economy has become a giant lottery. Perhaps you’ll get picked to be on American Idol. Perhaps you’ll sue someone and get a windfall. Perhaps you’ll be the one who [...]
When someone drives into the back of your brand new car, what do you do ? Jump out and shout ? Or do you use it to make a difference [...]
“It’s not what you do creates the impact, it is who you are being (whilst doing it)” For the longest time I have known that the difference between making it [...]
Richard Branson made it, so did Steve Jobs. Look around you and you will see a few people who don’t seem to really care about the rules, instead they go [...]
What if courage was a skill that could be practiced rather than something you were either borne with or not ? It took me a while to understand that the [...]
What if the stories you tell yourself about who you are and what is happening to you are choices ? What if you could choose powerful, liberating stories where you [...]
What you focus on matters! Don't stay stuck on what worked before ! Plan for the unexpected
How do you translate a diving world record into your real life ? A good question and one I have spent a decade answering. The more I look for the [...]
I was started along this thought path by one of my facebook readers, Maggie Cee – she wanted to know how to change the suffering of others. It struck me [...]
If you changed one thing today it would be the way your Points of View run your life. They ensure you stay this side of what is 'right', missing opportunities simply because of your point of view. What if there was no right or wrong ? What if there were just Interesting Points of View that you didn't need to get attached to, defend or reject ?